Tag Archive | patreon

Shadows in the Old Park

Now on Patreon for all to Read!!


As I work on my landing pages, I’m trying having each of these links on their own post, but since I’m a bit behind, I scheduled these out.  Let’s see how this works. 


This went a little left turn from where I’d planned. 

I was picturing Sprucewood Nature Center, by the by, even though it’s not quite… wood-y enough. 


The twenty-acre forest had become thick and overgrown in the decade since the world had fallen apart.

Vic remembered it from elementary school field trips, middle school solo explorations, high school one-on-one adventures with just the right second person – or at least the person that had seemed right at the time.  Several persons, several times.

Free to everyone to read!

Out There

Now on Patreon!


The park was quiet.

When the world had first fallen to shit, a lot of people had gone to hide out in the parks.  The theory, Andor figured, was that since all the gods were hanging out in the cities, parks – the more rural the better – were the safest places to be.

Open to all Patreon patrons!


Now on Patreon!


Nobody had expected the Trees to be the ones to go over.

The Zedriygro had been pushing at the Atraoya borders for years now.  They had been sending in agents – some of them Human, but just as many Elf or Centaur or Animal expats who had been living either in Zedriyg or in neighboring Glasia, beyond the red sands, for years or even generations, having fled, one might assume, the Quartering that had caused this whole mess in the first place

Open to all Patreon patrons!

Patreon Reposts & Trunk: December 2017

December is Lexember, so for today I’m looking at some tree words from Calenyena, the language of Reiassan. 🌳

Originally posted Dec. 16, 2015

Today’s word is thorn alder, because I can!

In further proving that my Reiassani persona is a Bitrani transplant to Calenta (tall, light-skinned, short hair, prefers less bright color combinations), the alders, including the thorn alders, exist on Reiassan almost entirely in the borderlands between South and North.

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This is one of my oldest stories-for-submission.  It made my mom cry…


The best part of spring, when the winter let go of the land and the snow melted away, was the creek that ran along the edge of my parents’ property.

Happy New Year!

Have a bottle of… ??!

Originally posted February, 2012


The island was big enough to sustain life for their small group.

Which was good, because they couldn’t figure a way off of it, and, even if they had, they weren’t certain there was anything to return to.

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Originally posted Sep. 14, 2014


“It’s perfect.” Ce’rilla looked around the old hotel. “It has an atrium, it has rooms, and everything else can be fixed.”

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Patreon Posts!

Originally posted  March 9th, 2011.


They were building it anew.

There hadn’t been much left after the devastation, and the city they’d lived in had been a stinking, rotten, fetid ruin. Better to leave it to the dead and dying, better to leave the diseases to work their course. Those of them who could walk, who could carry a pack, who wanted to live, had banded together and headed for the hills.

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Nobody in the Fae Apoc really knows what’s going on, do they…?


The Grigori would not listen to her.

Natela was not particularly surprised.  For one, the Grigori rarely listened to anyone who was not Grigori, and although she had their blood, she was not of them, but by their standards.

Open to all Patrons!

This story takes place 50 years past the original story, nearly 40 years after the apocalypse, after the Retirement stories.


Kailani and Rozen were being followed.

Not exactly followed — more like followed-in-front-of — and not by a person or people.  Rozen would have been able to deal with people.

Open to All Patrons!

Patreon Posts!

A bonus post, because I was entertaining myself.


The series of follies – small buildings, in other situations often in formal gardens, designed to be decorative while often resembling some purpose-built building – known most commonly as The Red-Tree Follies dot the landscape in a wavering set of ovals from east to west, providing lovely places for a picnic, for an evening’s rest, or for a small wedding.

Red Tree Follies I

And II

This story is set in 1864, one year after Abe Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. Parties take time to plan, dontcha know?


Luke knew Mike had set him up the minute he walked into the party.

The way the fancy people in their expensive dresses turned to stare, the whispers that he couldn’t imagine he wasn’t supposed to hear:

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Originally posted January 3, 2012.



Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him, if you could call it a knife. He didn’t look long; there was a monster in front of him. There had been a lot of monsters in front of him lately, since the – well, since whatever the hell had happened.

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Patreon Posts!


In apple season, we make this an average of once a week.  As a matter of fact, we just diced up a whole bunch of apples, dipped ‘em in lemon-juice-water, and stored them in the freezer (Chinese soup containers) with the sugar needed for four of these cakes.


Open to “Recipe Box” Patrons!

Originally posted March 10, 2013.  In Vas’ World, in the “First settlers” era.

A  continuation of Holy Fuck, it’s Snowing.


The snow kept falling.

The clear-sky thing hadn’t lasted for more than a few hours; now the sun struggled to be seen through thick layers of cloud cover, and the flakes fell and fell and fell.

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Originally posted Oct. 15, 2011. This is a story of Baram. Actually… I’m going to put in a bit from Addergoole: TOS first. Warning: discussions of death, violence. 👹

“That hairdo took a long time,” [Shahin] told [Baram], sounding blandly irritated, “and you’ve messed it all up.” It gave her time to peel off a glove – the long sleeves of her widow’s weeds would still cover her wrists – and rest her hand on his forearm.

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Patreon Posts!

Oops… catching up!

Two Chapters!


Chapter Fifteen: Being Childish

Nimbus woke the next morning from a sleep sounder than she could remember  having.  Her hands tingled slightly at the poultices  Cartwright had wrapped around them, but most of the pain was gone, and she had slept long and heavily in the leaf-down bed.


Chapter Sixteen: The First Man Down the Stalk

Cartwright had moved this and that around while they packed up, such that Nimbus now found her pack more comfortable to carry while she was fairly sure she was carrying more than she had been. They walked along under the shade of Aereaxera, the birds and lizards chirping at them in the early-morning haze.

Open for all Patrons!


Originally posted Oct. 31, 2012


November, Year 11 of the Addergoole School

(This is a prequel to the Baram’s-Elves stories)

“Going to celebrate Thanksgiving?”

The girl who worked the desk at the shop was chatty, always chatty, even with Baram. He shrugged at her. He didn’t bother smiling. Nobody thought it was friendly.

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Every weekend for several years, T. & I have been making this oatmeal.  A few months ago, we actually settled it down to weights, because it was getting kinda variable in size.

It’s not really a recipe, more of a formula, so I’m offering it here free.

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