T. and I have been experimenting, since discovering various canned meats in the grocery store, with variations on tuna-noodle casserole.
Growing up, my mom & grandma called this Toodles and Noodles, and we always omitted the breadcrumbs and sometimes the peas. It is, at its base, a pantry staple: a can of soup, half a bag of egg noodles, and a can of tuna fish, and you have a meal.
It’s served T. & I well over the years (I usually add panko to the top, and we almost always add the frozen peas).
Canned chicken + cream of chicken soup worked pretty well. It was a bit one-note, but I think adding garlic would help with that. Choodles and noodles!
Spurred on by our success, and with a can of corned beef and a can of cream-of-mushroom-with-garlic soup, we moved on to try another casserole. Moodles and noodles! To this one we added sauteed onions and mushrooms, and got something sort of like a beef stroganoff.
I’m not sure what to try next. Tofu and noodles?
What about you? What are your go-to pantry meals? Any fun variations on the classics?
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