Tag Archive | personal: food

Monday, time-confused

The Daylight Savings Time Fall back thing seems to have confused my internal clock as much as the cat.(“It’s early. Or late. Or something, and I’m hungry. Feed me?”). I woke up late today and was nearly late to work… but now am Very Awake.

It was a good weekend. We acquired cheap butternut squash and tasty apple cider, made steel-cut oats with pureed butternut, and I wrote a lot of words, most of them on my nano.

I have left to do: 2 long pieces for Rix, 1 short piece for Ysabet, a setting-piece or something for the comments perk (Still don’t know what to do about that; the story with the most comments isn’t really *in* a setting) and the extension piece, which looks to be “Rule 2.” Somehow, I don’t think this is all getting done before Saturday’s Giraffe Call.

If you have things you like for the Winter Holiday, it’s getting to time to post a wish list or lodge a request for baked goodies.

[personal profile] meeks has posted an update to Teddy’s Travels (and on LJ).

And [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has posted Opening the Gate, from September’s mid-month donor prompt session, based in part on my prompt.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/168127.html. You can comment here or there.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Not a lot to share lately; life has sort of focused down to apples and nano.

On the former, I have ~9 quarts of something like applesauce ready to can (I really need a second big pot, as the big pot is soaking off burnt apple bits before I can boil the cans), another 2-3 quarts of apple butter ready to go, and boxes of apples everywhere.

We went out to our favorite cider mill yesterday for some more cider and two big butternut squash, cooked one up last night (peel, slice into bits, microwave for 10 minutes, and then roast for a couple to get some caramelization (and if you’re not pan-roasting the seeds, you’re missing the best part)) and this morning we made Steel Cut Oats with ‘Pumpkin’ for breakfast. Om nom.

Nano’s doing decently, though we’ll see how I do when we get to the Giraffe Call.

Speaking of that – next Saturday, with a theme of “Family.”

Beginning to ponder Winter Holiday gifts.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/167487.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, Hallowe’en, almost Nano

Woo! This weekend, we picked more apples (the cold snap had not hurt those still on the tree, thankfully, so we managed to get another 2 buckets and 2 boxes worth).

(I need a bushel basket to have a decent idea how many apples we have!)

We also made applesauce and began apple butter, made and devoured apple cake, raked leaves (peh) and planted crocuses.

I found a computer-based post-it-noted system and started making notes for my nano novella (yeah, started. I’m not that good at this).

Aaand… that’s about it.

Oh! check out this! Rix-scaedu painted the Primordial card from Heirlooms & Old Lace šŸ™‚

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/163670.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday on a Tuesday

Wonderful weekend visiting friends, just now getting back into the swing of things.

Applesauce successfully canned. Freezing apples tonight or tomorrow.

Planning on doing Nanowrimo in a not-killing-myself sort of way (i.e., working on the story as my main but not sole project through November and December) – the first Autumn story ever.

Giraffe Call:

Updated the linkback incentive (LJ).

Working through to third prompts; if you haven’t left a second or third prompt, you have ’till I get to the bottom of the list again to do so. Then I move on to sponsored prompts/continuations.

DreamWidth – call for prompts here

LiveJournal – call for prompts here


EllenMillion is doing another free abstracts call for prompts today:
free prompted abstracts are now open!


This is a fundraiser for EMG-Zine, which is in danger of being canceled after the June 2012 issue. Free prompts are open during today’s window.

This is an awesome Begariad (Eddings) fanfic by [personal profile] recessional

[profile] kajones has posted a prompt call. The theme is Halloween, Samhain, Diwali, and Fireworks Night

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/157276.html. You can comment here or there.

Already Wednesday, avec les pommes

Yesterday, we made applesauce.
Monday, we made applesauce and apple cake.
Sunday, we made applesauce.
Saturday, we got lost on an Epic!Quest! for apple cider.
Tonight, we will make applesauce. And maybe can it.
(the makeshift canner (our giant pot and a steamer rack from the Chinese food store) will hold 8 quart jars. Our next-biggest pot will hold about 8 cups of applesauce. So batches.)

There hasn’t been as much work on this house this week, but we got a Giant Order Of Stuff from Lowes yesterday (incl. the stuff for the closet, window molding, log rack supplies, door molding, drywall, insulation… and a chest freezer) so there will be Stuff to Do once again. Also, mudding and painting. This bedroom is taking a lot of mudding.

Read The Kiss, from [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s mid-month Monster House Fishbowl, from my prompt.

Read a short Addergoole fanfic, by cluudle!!

Read Ghost Story, by Rix-Scaedu


And someone is trying square foot gardening & Lasagna gardening together!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/152772.html. You can comment here or there.

Thursday, with Soop

Yesterday represented a pretense at a break from apples – with butternut soup, our favorite go-to fall recipe (it has cider and apples in it ;-).

Last summer, our garden produced 13 giant butternuts, so we ate a lot of soup and a lot of pumpkin pudding (it’s safe to assume anything that says “pumpkin” in our house is made with butternut; we’ve tried it with pumpkins and don’t like it). This summer, we didn’t have a garden (sadface) (moving), so we had to fake it with farmstands. Not as satisfying, but nearly as tasty.


Jeriendhal is calling for hallowe’en prompts.

And Rix-scaedu wrote a story based on a typo of mine.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/144881.html. You can comment here or there.

Sunday with apples

Yesterday, we had apple pie for dessert (Small Batch Baking) and apple-cinnamon-raisin oatmeal for breakfast.

Thursday we made Spiced Apple Cookies (delicious).

Wednesday we made Baked Apple Rice Pudding, which is absolutely delicious.

Tuesday, we made apple crisp.

Are you sensing a theme?

The property came with an apple tree, which hasn’t been maintained in a while. It’s putting out about a zillion apples (I’ll be canning applesauce & apple butter), smallish tart apples. So far, we’re really just putting a dent in the windfall fruit.


[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has posted her Fishbowl Summary. I really love “Full Stop”; I also enjoy “Haunts of History”, which she wrote to my prompt.

[personal profile] lilfluff has posted a sequel to Sweet Iced Tea, set in the Tir na Cali ‘verse.

And [personal profile] clare_dragonfly has added more to “Harvest Day”, which she wrote from my prompt.



Bamboo curtain door, via Wyst.
Ikea Hack+Wendy House… two things I’ve been googling a lot lately, together.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/140807.html. You can comment here or there.

Wednesday with momentum and “dry closing.”

I am full of chocolate, as T. messaged me that he would like some chocolate. He was very unclear on what sort, just having, it seemed, a vague craving, so I took a walk and bought chocolate mousse, mocha mousse, two chocolate cookies, and beer.

(The beer is not chocolate).

Today’s home-buying adventure is “dry closing:” http://www.fhainfo.com/escrowclosing.htm

It is still unclear how this will delay the beginning of moving in. Or, rather, the beginning of cleaning-and-painting, which is what we plan on spending the weekend doing.

Today is the last day to fill out the donation perk poll: Dreamwidth or LJ. Tomorrow I will collate the results and begin writing! (right now “Spring Break” and “Three-Way” are tied).

[personal profile] meeks has done it again! She’s updated Diapering Dragons (LJ). Check out that wall! More work on Rin is next…

Links of the day: an odd word… and an odder goat.

mamĀ·mon noun, often capitalized Ėˆma-mən

Definition of MAMMON
: material wealth or possessions especially as having a debasing influence “you cannot serve God and mammon ā€” Matthew 6:24(Revised Standard Version)”

Origin of MAMMON
Middle English, from Late Latin mammona, from Greek mamōna, from Aramaic māmōnā riches

First Known Use: 15th century

So, I go back to Addergoole, to some time in the past, and Mike VanderLinden.

Mike had known for months that things were going to go south with Judith, but the woman was so tight about her emotions, he couldn’t get her to say anything. It was when she walked into his studio and wrinkled her nose at him that he knew they could finally be done.

“Mammon,” she pronounced disdainfully.

“Yes, my love,” he grinned, lounging ostentatiously on the silk sheets, “but it’s what keeps a roof over your head.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/123864.html. You can comment here or there.

Tuesday, With a Closing Date

Hey, two dates is closer to a habit.

Important things:
* Irene left us a day of rain, that’s it.
* The earthquake shook my work building, just enough to notice it.

Tonight’s dinner was what’s-in-the-cupboard: pasta with tomato-and-sardine sauce

We have a closing date on The House! Thursday at 3 EST!

Funky links of the day: One murphy bed, two murphy beds, and Fitocracy, which turns out to be pretty cool.

And vocab:inĀ·veiĀ·gle verb in-Ėˆvā-gəl sometimes -Ėˆvē-

Definition of INVEIGLE
transitive verb
1 : to win over by wiles : entice
2 : to acquire by ingenuity or flattery : wangle
ā€” inĀ·veiĀ·gleĀ·ment noun
ā€” inĀ·veiĀ·gler noun
Origin of INVEIGLE
Anglo-French enveegler, aveogler, avogler to blind, hoodwink, from avogle, enveugle blind, from Medieval Latin ab oculis, literally, lacking eyes
First Known Use: 1539

For this, I present Winter and Spring from Stranded World:

“Your hair looks really nice that way,” Winter’s littlest sister told him in her sweetest voice. “Brings out the blue in your eyes.”

He smirked down at her. “Thank you, Spring. But it will take more than that.”

“But I think it would look nice on me, too,” she said, saccharine dripping from her voice, “and I want to be just like my big brother.”

“You can’t inveigle this one out of me, sweetie,” he told her gently. “I’m sorry. It’s not my decision.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/122525.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, with a new habit

I like other people’s daily posts; why not try one myself?

Yesterday, we made Oops Soup for dinner:
“Oops!” When buying peppers at an Asian market, don’t assume the banana peppers are sweet (two mouthfuls of yogurt and a gulp of milk to stop the burning)
“Oops!” Also, remember WHICH Asian market has the rice you want (the stuff we got is strange, good, but not what we wanted)
“Oops!” (from last week): plan a lunch BEFORE the 2-hour hike – we had chicken carcass for broth.

It turned into something like Thai chili soup with leek, carrots, onions, and a chicken broth. Tasty, and HOT.

Still not king. Err, still no date on the house-closing.

Funky links of the day: hide-away house and Zoom Room, a new take on hideabed.

And back to vocab:
adĀ·umĀ·brate [a-duhm-breyt, ad-uhm-breyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), -bratĀ·ed, -bratĀ·ing.
1. to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
2. to foreshadow; prefigure.
3. to darken or conceal partially; overshadow.
1575ā€“85; < Latin adumbrātus shaded (past participle of adumbrāre ), equivalent to ad- ad- + umbr ( a ) shade, shadow + -ātus -ate1
Related forms
adĀ·umĀ·braĀ·tion, noun

For this, I present Shahin from Addergoole at about twelve:

“It’s not precognition,” a young Shahin insisted quietly. “All it does is give me vague ideas and bad dreams, adumbrate the future. That’s it.”

“Adumbrate?” Her aunt lifted an eyebrow, and the petite girl flushed.

“It’s the proper word, Shadowy, faint, concealing. Right?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/121489.html. You can comment here or there.