Tag Archive | personal: remodeling

Blog Post: Rafters, Projects, and Slipper Baskets

When I was in college, I learned a planning style that occasionally I re-remember.

This was during my Technical Writing class, and it was designed for planning a writing/publishing project, such as an advertisement brochure.

Turns out, it works pretty well for actually plotting out things like… renovations, too.

And spring is sort of coming now.  So I’m starting to figure out the planning for some of our extant projects.

They’re big ones.  I mean, it’s a house and I want to redo everything in it eventually.

(probably even the bedroom that we did first, because the walls still need redoing and we still don’t really have a closet.) Continue reading

Cave Renovations

There is a room in our house off the living room that we call the cave.

It’s approx. 8’x8’x6.6′, off a room that is 14-ish feet wide, and it hides behind the wood stove, so in the winter it’s super warm. My desk is in there, and the armchair where I do the rest of my writing.

But it was painted white-over-yellow-over green with awful wallpaper, the walls were a mess, and there was a door leading into the wall, about 1.5’x2′ in size, that just looked ugly (It was, before they sided the house, a door for throwing firewood in). There’s also awful awful awful linoleum, but since we’re going to later drop the floor down to be level with the rest of the living room, we might not fix that just now.

Mom came to visit yesterday, and over the course of approx. 11-4, we replaced the door to nowhere with drywall, removed the wallpaper border, Mom washed… everything (she does that) and we got the first coat of spackle/joint compound on most of the places that needed it.

It already is starting to look better!

Today… more joint compound. And then… more spackle, and the first stages of sanding.

Within 2 weeks… paint! A nice coat of the house color (just-barely-off-white) over everything.

And new switch plates. Lots of new – well, 4, 4 new wall plates.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/967993.html. You can comment here or there.