Tag Archive | prompt

Multiverse pairings for fun

Stolen from [personal profile] d_generate_girl:

Give me Prompts!

I will write at least a drabble for any fandom/pairing/scenario you want(*). Crossovers welcome, porn welcome, non-porn also welcome, any and all sources you know we share. My verses, fan verses, your verses if I know them and you want me to play. This is a non-canon fun fest here, folks.

(*) as always, we know I get bored after a while and stop writing. But I’ll try to get one/person at least.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/327373.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe-Call for Prompts Summary

I have one more piece to continue for [personal profile] lilfluff and one to expand upon for The_vulture, but I have enough to write a summary for last week’s call for prompts (and on LJ).

This was a relatively small-response Giraffe Call, but there were both new donors and new prompters. I am $35 closer to my giraffe carpet – thank you very much!

Too Hot to Handle, a continuation of Too Hot for Prime Time (LJ)
Pissing Into the Wind, a continuation of Pissing Away Time (LJ)
Staying in the City, a continuation of Fleeing the City (LJ)

Little Lost Kitty-Girl, Tir na Cali
Not Even a Bullet
Deeper in, a continuation of Down, Down, Down.
No More Waiting, a continuation of Waiting

Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

I’ve started working on the continuation of Spring Break, too, from the Abduction Prompt-Call

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/134492.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts mostly-done summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ), and I’ve gotten a fair bit of writing done.

I’m now waiting for the people who donated to finalize their continuation choices. If you’d like to donate, you can have any prompted story continued at a discounted rate of $1/100 words.

Little Lost Kitty-Girl, Tir na Cali
Not Even a Bullet
Deeper in, a continuation of Down, Down, Down.
No More Waiting, a continuation of Waiting

Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

I’ve started working on the continuation of Spring Break, too, from the Abduction Prompt-Call

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/131399.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, after a productively desctructive weekend

This weekend, T. spent large chunks of time ripping large chunks of overgrown undergrowth out – what had thought was razor-wire-like-vines over a bush turned out to be razor-wire-like-vines over more of the same, for instance, and there are grape vines growing over everything; there are entire TREES that have been choked out by grape vines in our hedgerow. (I hear grape burns nicely).

Plus side: we know the soil’s good for grapes, which are on our list of to-cultivate plants (just not, ah, trellised up the 40′ pine?).

Today, T. and I were dragging piles of chopped vines into the hedgerow (mulch!); I asked:

“Is that an apple behind you?”

“In the pine tree?”

“We have pine-grapes, why not pine-apples?”

And, indeed, we have pine-apples (A small apple tree growing right up against the pine tree, putting out different apples than either of the other two apples on the property…)


Michikip is holding another free icon day, and [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has given me an idea for naming my prompt-calls, so I’ve commissioned a giraffe icon from Michikip.

Speaking of Ysabet, head over to her journal for a discussion on her serial poetry and an overview of her poetic series


I am working on longer prompts now for this past weekend’s call for prompts – if you donated, please finalize where you would like your wordcount to go. If you would like to donate, I am counting all donations to continue prompt work this week at $0.01/word.


Today’s links come from the awesome cluudle, who believes (as I do), that our theoretical pygmy goats deserve a castle.

<a href="
http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2009/06/behold_the_tower_of_baaa_findlay_goat_tower.php”>Tower of Baa-ble

“Goat castle is the best google image search ever”

<a href="http://listsoplenty.com/pix/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/goat-castle.jpg
“>another shot of Baa-ble

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/131276.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts, mid-summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ), and I’ve gotten a fair bit of writing done.

Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

If you’ve left a prompt I haven’t gotten to, I assure you I’ll be writing lots more tomorrow!

We have $30 in tips – we’ve reached the first donation incentive!

I’ll see you in the morning.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/130939.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts, Middle-summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ) and active for another 12 hours and, in that time, I’ve gotten some fun-but-strange writing done:

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found

Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

There’s still plenty of time to leave your own prompt, and if you’ve left a prompt I haven’t gotten to, I assure you I’ll be writing lots more tomorrow!

We have $14 in tips – $16 to go to the first donation incentive!

I’ll see you in the morning.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/130398.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts: Lost, abandoned, and left behind

The call for prompts is now open! For the next 24 hours, I will taking your prompts on the theme of Lost, abandoned, and left behind.

I will write (over the next week) at least one microfic (150-300 words) to each prompter. If you donate, I will write to all of your prompts, and write at last 300 additional words for each $5 you donate, to the prompt of your choice.

If I reach $30 in donations, I will post an additional 2000-word fic on the subject of the audience’s choice. This level has been reached!

If I reach $60, I will write at least 2 microfics for everyone, whether or not they donated.

If I reach $90, I will write to every prompt I get in the next 24 hours – if something truly bugs me, I’ll ask you to re-prompt. At this point, please allow up to 2 weeks for the writing to be completed.

If I reach $120, I will record a podcast of an audience-choice story and post it for everyone to read. Also, everyone who tipped will get double wordcount.

If I reach $150, I will release an e-book of all of the fiction written to this call and the last one. At this point, please allow up to 4 weeks for the writing to be completed.

I’m still saving up for the giraffe carpet, which will be installed the first week of October!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/129872.html. You can comment here or there.

Puppies, continued, for Lilfluff

I swear I posted the second half of this…

This is from @[personal profile] inventrix‘s prompt “finding out you have the wrong key,” and [personal profile] lilfluff‘s commissioned request for a continuation.

It had been a very clever idea.

Davyn stared at the cage door. It had been a decently clever idea, he supposed. His parents took the damn dog along everywhere, and left him at home with the nanny. Nevermind that sixteen was too old to need a nanny. Never mind that, unlike the dog, he’d never peed on the furniture or broken a priceless vase (just the one. The dog had broken three).

It had seemed like a clever idea. They threw a blanket over the dog kennel anyway, because the stupid thing was high-strung. This way, he could ride along, wherever it was they were going, and then show up at the end and get to have all the fun. It had seemed like a brilliant idea.

It had even worked. He’d locked himself in and curled up for a nice nap, comfortable by now with the sounds of animals all around (it wasn’t like the dog was even their only dog, just the one that got to come with them. He, on the other hand, was their only son). But they’d taken the kennel somewhere and gone off without a word, and here he was waiting for them to look for their precious dog and discover their son instead…

…It had been a pretty dumb idea. Since the key he was holding would have, he was pretty sure, opened the other kennel. The fancy one they used for road trips. Not this one, not the one he was locked in. Trapped in, that was the word.

“Help!” he called, feeling pretty stupid. His knees had cramped up, and his stomach was complaining. It had been a really long trip. “Help!”

“What the… ooh.” A pretty girl lifted the blanket and looked at him, smiling cheerfully. “Stuck, are you?” Her accent lilted in a way he’d never heard before, and she was really, really pretty. Stunning, really, and here he was…

“Yeah,” he admitted, more embarrassed than he’d ever been in her life. “Just a bit.”

“Locked in, is it? Well, then…” She dropped the blanket back over the kennel. “There’s a handcart around here somewhere…”

“Wait, what?”

“Hush, puppy,” she scolded, as the kennel tilted backwards precariously. “Good puppies don’t bark.”

Davyn skidded backwards in the kennel, yelping, startled. “What?” he repeated. “I’m not a puppy, I’m a boy.”

“Mm, if you don’t hush, I’m going to do something unpleasant. Now stay quiet, dear, and this will go easier.” He couldn’t see anything except the inside of his kennel, but it felt like she’d gotten the damn thing tilted back onto the handcart and started rolling it.

“Help!” he bayed, panic making his voice squeak. “Someone help me! Someone… ow ow owwww…” He lost his voice in a yowl of misery, as, inexplicably, his body lit up in jabbing pain.

“I warned you,” came the girl’s voice. “Good puppies are quiet. Now shush for me.”

He swallowed a whimper, curling as tightly as he could in the bottom of the cage. Pain wasn’t supposed to come out of nowhere. His brilliant plan was supposed to have worked.

It hadn’t been all that bad of a plan, anyway, if only he’d remembered the keys. He sighed softly and tried to get comfortable as the pain faded. What was going to happen to him now?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/120532.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary – Call for Prompts round-up!

A week ago, I put out a call for prompts about abduction.

I got a number of prompts, and have written all through the week.

Unsurprisingly, Addergoole got its share:
Three-Way (LJ) – Year 9
June Again (LJ) – from the roleplay Timeline,
an Addergoole student who didn’t want to go home, from sometime in the future of Addergoole

I also wrote:
Scent (LJ), from the Generation Ship,
Two people, both abducting the other,
a warrior, who grows fond of her captor, and
an abduction by air,
a rescue into slavery,
an escape aided all unwitting,
a rescue, too late,
a clever idea gone wrong,
a road trip gone awry,
a captive who didn’t give in to Stockholm,
a captive being rescued,
a captor caught in her own trap,
a crack kidnapping team beating the BAU to the punch,
a puppy rescued from an untenable situation, and a
college boy with ropeburn.

I believe I will stick to a schedule after this: I’ll put out a call the second Saturday after the first Tuesday of every month.

I have two more stories left to write to donations-for-continuations.

Because the money in the jar exceeded $30, I will be posting a poll for which story I should continue into a 1-2K-word story.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/119602.html. You can comment here or there.