Tag Archive | promptcall

Bisexual Visibility!

Bisexual Visibility Day (over the bi flag)

In honor of Bisexual Visibility Day – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrate_Bisexuality_Day – for the next week, I’m opening up for prompts on any of my extant characters (or any bisexual concept character in any world of mine) – any character who is either canonically bisexual or who is not canonically monosexual or asexual.

(I’ll take prompts on bi-romantic ace characters as well).


Prompt Away!

For every person who prompts, I’ll write… say, at least 100 words, up to what suits my fancy, to at least one prompt (you can leave as many as 15 prompts) over the next two weeks.


(and if it weren’t already well-known and obvious, I, too, am bisexual.)


a story for my New Year’s Prompt Call, which you should go prompt at please, here.

Warning… a wee bit maudlin. 

Related image

The snow had finally melted.  It had been a long winter – slow-starting but then dumping buckets of snow on us all of February and March and most of April.

It was May 5th, and I could finally see all of the grass, or at least the parts that had survived.  I could see, too, my poor bushes, which had not done well but which were, now, trying to put out the buds they normally would have put out in early March.  Continue reading


a story for my New Year’s Prompt Call, which you should go prompt at please, here.

Image result for fireworks emoji

She had learned tricks in her time, and one of them was the fuel that kept her going.

She wasn’t supposed to keep going, that was part of the problem.  She was a construct, and she had been built for one particularly strange revenge that had been intended to last a couple weeks, maybe a couple months. She had been designed to build this one person up and then watch them crumble down, and she had done very well at her job.  Continue reading

Merry Christmas!

Hello to all and a Merry/Happy Christmas!

Today I’m spending the day at home – except possibly sushi in the evening – and I’m writing!


I will write a short Christmas vignette in any setting of mine you’d like to see (or appropriate winter holiday) or to a (winter-holiday-themed) prompt of your choosing.

(If this floods me, I may end up writing these over the next week~ )

(Including during the Wednesday Write-a-thon)

Autumn at Christmas?  Winter Holidays in Reiassan, Tír na Cali, Vas’ World? Sure!  Space Mom Christmas?  I’ll manage something! Continue reading

your turn: tiny prompt call

To keep up with #4thewords I need to write 444 words a day.

I’m having a bit of burnout.

What would you like to see 111-333 words of? Anything goes, but I’d seriously prefer not direct continuations in this case.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1321102.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January Prompt-Me Meme

Stolen from [personal profile] kay_brooke, [personal profile] novel_machinist, and [personal profile] thebonesofferalletters, and, as per the apparent trend, altered slightly:

I’m asking for one word prompts1,2. I’ll write whatever first comes to mind with those words. It might be a story, ramblings about a character, a conlang or worldbuilding musing, or something from my life.

1. Up to 10 per person.3

2. Bonus: You can post as many words in your prompt as you want as long as they all start with the same letter/same first few letters.

3. Additional prompts to any given day may be used to pick-and-choose, or they may be posted to Patreon or as an Edally or Adddergoole post. That means even when the dates are all filed, you can still leave more prompts!

1st: Endings – [personal profile] novel_machinist – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1222313.html
2nd: Oregano – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1223112.html
3rd: Butterflies – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1223550.html
4th: Sunrise – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1225267.html
5th: Glitter – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1225512.html
6th: Swishy skirts *
7th: Seven silly sausage sellers swilling snazzy sodas
8th: Purple pretenses*
9th: Baking *
10th: Busy bees buzzing brightly, bearing beauteous bouquets *
11th: Dubious dirty diapers* kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1231196.html
12th: Giant giraffes gambol gingerly*
13th: Poise*
14th: Ancient aardvarks are always achey – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1234679.html
15th: Careful consideration – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1236654.html
16th: Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1237218.html
17th: Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1238514.html
18th: Miracle*
19th: Tendril *
20th: Yoke *
21st: Ambiguity *
22nd: xerographing xenophobic, xanthopyllous xanthiums*
23rd: Void *
24th: Forbidden, forgotten, foreshadowing, forgiving*
25th: poffertjes*
26th: Deep delving dwarves discover dragons; discussions, disagreements develop.*
27th: Bombastic bishop blusters, bristles.*
28th: Everyone eats everything.*
29th: Wet waif wanders westward where wounded warrior waits.*
30th: Two tugboats twist, tumble through tsunami; trading town turns tumultuous.*
31st: Buxom barkskinned broad bestows bat; beribboned baseball babe blooms before big bout *
32nd: Crystal critters *
33rd: Love leaves longing *
34th: Swish swish swish *

* prompts were not date-specific.



This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1216331.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Addergoole in the Apocalypse: Prompts!

I have this prompt call open:

It’s 2013, 2013, 2014, 2015. The world started going to shit in 2011. Now, our characters are coming to Addergoole… or trying to get there. Or running away from it. Or just graduating. Or..??

It’s a pretty specific prompt-request, but have at it: Prompts regarding Addergoole students just after the apocalypse.

I’m still looking for prompts!

If you want, look at the tag for this and see if there’s some interaction you want to see. They should all be tagged by the year in which they occur.

Addergoole years:
Year 5 – 1999-2000
Year 9 – 2003-2004
Year 13- 2007-2008
Year 17- 2011-2015 * Apocalypse
Year 19- 2013-2014
Year 23- 2017-2018

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1052659.html. You can comment here or there.

December Prompt Call Still open!

My December Prompt Call (Theme: some for you, more for me) is still open! We are $5 in tips from everyone getting more words on their prompts!

Check it out!


or on Livejournal:


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1040737.html. You can comment there.