Tag Archive | promptcall

Letter Home

Dear Caroline,

I made it through the first month of school. That was hard enough. No internet! Not that I had time to worry about it.

Things are weird here. The upperclassmen are just about monsters. The older kids are rough, of course. There’s a lot of hazing, and one of the other first-year students got pretty messed up. They call it Hell Night. I understand why.

I think I’ll be able to come home for Christmas, but… things are weird. Um. You know how you always joked about us looking more like two girls than boyfriend and girlfriend, or how I could always wear your jeans? Well, things are…

“Nev!” The pounding on the door was augmented by a voice through the intercom. “Nev, come on!”

Nevada slipped out of the chair and headed for the door, the letter left forgotten on the desk.

Well, things are different now.

Then again, they usually were.

Written to [personal profile] thebonesofferallettersprompt.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/817624.html. You can comment here or there.

Hard Hat and Easy Choices, a ficlet for the Genderfunk call

Written to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s Prompt to my gender-funk call. More gender than funk, but still fun

“Excuse me, Miss, you can’t – Oh. Oh, excuse me.” He wasn’t really recognizing her; he wasn’t even reading the name on her pass. He was just looking at the green bar across the top of it that meant “money.”

“No worries. Here.” Andy fit the hard hat – custom-made and screaming of “money” as much as her pass did – over her ringlets. “The boots are steel-toed and, yes, I can climb in these jeans.”

“I’m sorry, Miss, Ma’am, it’s just…”

“I know.” She air-patted near the man’s shoulder. It wasn’t kind, she supposed, but she’d run into this enough times that it had gone from amusing to just tiresome and back again. “Look, I’m Andonia Carter, and this is my building. I just need to get up to the third row of balconies, all right?”

He looked flummoxed. They always did. She’d found if she was going to do this job, it was the only way to get what she wanted without sacrificing anything she didn’t want to lose.

“Ma’am, Miz Carter, you can go right up. I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“It’s always just.” She patted her ringlets, just to hammer home the point, and swung into the construction elevator. She’d have to go through it again tomorrow, probably – but eventually, word would get around.

It would have been easier to just dress like they did… but then she’d never make an impression at all.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/816428.html. You can comment here or there.

Hallowe’en’s Past, a ficlet

To [personal profile] finch‘s prompt. No setting, AFAIK.

“Dana…” Kelly stopped in the doorway of their apartment and looked Dana up and down. “You know, Hallowe’en’s been over for a week. You can stop dressing up.”

“This isn’t… this isn’t really a costume.” Dana plucked at the shirt and tie. “I mean, I, ah. I cut my hair for Hallowe’en, but if I’d really just been dressing up, I could’ve just put it under the hat, right?”

“Well, I figured you were sick of fighting with it, and it was a good excuse, if you didn’t want to be fighting with Aaron instead of fighting with your hair. Right?” Kelly bit her lip. “But this is – well, I mean, it’s cross-dressing, isn’t it? I know Aaron’s a jerk…”

“He is.” Dana leaned against the wall, sticking out a complete lack of chest under her silk button-down. But this isn’t about him. This is – this is just about me.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/814267.html. You can comment here or there.

Mini-Call-for-Prompts: Gender-Funkyness

Now looking for a few prompts for microfic on Gender-Funkiness, this month’s Patreon theme.

I will write at least 100 words to at least one prompt from each prompter, sometime between now and Nano.

Prompts can be something from one of my settings, something setting-neutral, or something from another ‘verse.

(I find it amusing that, during Gender Funky Theme Month, I just binge-read all of El Goonish Shive. And now I have a strong urge to write more gender-funky stuff).

(Or gender-switch stuff. Or general gender oddities).

Let’s have fun with this!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/813671.html. You can comment here or there.

Prompts Wanted: Demifiction for Circled Plain (Inner Circle)

Much like last month’s call, I’m looking for prompts for demifiction set in the world of Inner Circle – the Circled Plain or the greater universe.

I’m realizing that I’ll need padding for the webpage when I get it up some time this week, and demifiction is a good place to start.

I will write at least 4 pieces of at least 100 words during the month of September.

What is demifiction? – to quote myself quoting [personal profile] lilfluff: “To quote [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith demifiction is, ‘Demifiction is imaginary stuff written as if it were nonfiction. This includes such things as reviews of books that don’t exist, fake movie posters, heroes’ shopping lists, etc. It can be challenging to write but it makes a great way to stretch your creative skills, and a really fun way to explore your settings.’

What is Inner Circle? Good question!

Inner Circle is a Serialized web fiction story following two inhabitants of a city on the Circled Plain as they bend knee to serve in order to climb the city’s stratified social ladder.

The world of the Circled Plains is, in very short, a far-post-apocalyptic world heavy with magic, where much of the landscape is still blasted and riddled with monsters, and people huddle within walled cities for survival.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/808154.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy web page up & suggestions wanted:

The Edally Academy has a web page!


And, now that it’s up, I’m remembering that Project Wonderful wants 100 (30) pages before they let you have ads on the site.

Which means, since I have 8 chapters and 2 interludes up, I’d like to add a few short metafiction pieces, outtakes, descriptive scenes, worldbuilding lists, whathave you.

They shouldn’t be more than 250 words a pop, so they’re easy enough to do, but I could use some suggestions.

Alternately, do you think any of the demifiction listed here: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/781726.html might be useful to readers of Edally who aren’t familiar with the world as a whole?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/804759.html. You can comment here or there.

Looking for some prompts/suggestions: Reiassan Demifiction

Pretty much [WARNING: TV Tropes] What it says On the Tin – I’m looking for a few prompts on demifiction in the Reiassan setting – any era, anything I could conceivably work into the setting.

I will write at least 4 pieces of at least 100 words during the month of August.

What is demifiction? – to quote [personal profile] lilfluff: “To quote [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith demifiction is, ‘Demifiction is imaginary stuff written as if it were nonfiction. This includes such things as reviews of books that don’t exist, fake movie posters, heroes’ shopping lists, etc. It can be challenging to write but it makes a great way to stretch your creative skills, and a really fun way to explore your settings.’

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/766110.html. You can comment here or there.

Cali Prompts to the theme of “Space + Room”

Thanks to http://www.wordgenerator.net/random-word-generator.php I have a random word, and I can come up with some interesting ways this could be used in Tír na Cali, soooo.

Leave me prompts in the Tír na Cali universe to the theme of “Roomage” and I will write at least 50 words to at least one of your prompts.

Definition of Roomage from www.merriam-webster.com/:

(N) space, accommodation

Definition of Roomage from thefreedictionary.com:

n. 1. Space; place; room.

July’s theme is Tír na Cali!
Want a say in August’s theme? Become a Patreon Patron at the $5 level or higher.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/758561.html. You can comment here or there.

Give me something fun to write

And I will write at least 10 words of it.

(I’m suffering mid-nano burnout).

Bonus points (at least 20 words!) if it’s Tir na Cali related, since that’s this month’s theme.

No promises re. cliffhangers.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/754329.html. You can comment here or there.