Tag Archive | prompter: clare
Written to clare_dragonfly‘s prompt.
Caroline’s adviser liked to leave her notes.
She almost never saw Dr. Comey. There was the big lecture on Mondays and the team meeting on Wednesdays, of course, and then sometimes there was the all-department meetings, which Dr. Comey sometimes deigned to attend, but the Dr. – who was so old the legend said that when they’d rebuilt the faculty wing of Ivy Hall, they’d just picked up Dr. Comey’s office and built the new building around it – preferred to work in late nights and early mornings, and Caroline’s schedule was such that she worked in the lab generally late mornings and late afternoons.
But Dr. Comey would leave her notes: combine experiment A with experiment B. Note results. Ask Sally to enter request for life test subjects again.
All Dr. Comey’s administrative help were “Sally.” The current one – Crystal – confided that they took it like a title, “Current Sally for Dr. Comey,” and took no offense from it.
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Protected: Swing a Stick – a story of Dragons Next Door for Patreon
Time to Move – a story of Dragons Next Door for Patreon
So there we were, living in a tiny studio apartment between the artsy district and the tracks, holding our first child, Jin, just an hour after birth. The midwife had come and gone and we were staring and the faint glow coming off of our first child with a bit of consternation.
“You,” I said, feeling far too calm (it had to be the tea I’d brewed for childbirth), “are not a wizard.”
Sage raised those eyebrows at me. “You are not a witch.”
We’d both known it for a long time, of course, or at least suspected strongly. You don’t go into a relationship with someone while they are still in school at a prestigious institution for wizards or witches and not notice a thing or, and if that hadn’t done it,the forms we’d each chosen for the wedding vows might have, or the family members that did and didn’t attend the wedding. Continue reading
Protected: Tiny People, Big Problems
Protected: Half-Breed, a story of Fae Apoc for Pateron
Cat’s Mystery – the beginning of a story of the Aunt Family
This is entirely because of the way Stone has been shaping up in my mind
There were any number of mysteries to Cat’s new school.
Some of them, she’d been expecting: from things she’d heard, and from the last two times she’d changed schools, she knew that every school had its own slang, and that every locale – city, town, village – had its own places that you couldn’t find on a map. The Quarry. The Old Grocery Store. Down by the Tracks. This one, Demville-Latta, was pretty rural, a good thirty-forty minute drive to the nearest so-called city, so in addition to needing a Demville-to-English dictionary, you pretty much needed a car to get to any of these mystery places.
Her parents were not yet convinced of this necessity, which meant that her mystery-detangling was pretty much limited to school and the bus, at least until either her parents gave in or she made some friends with cars.
Among the other mysteries were Track, really? This school’s only good team sport is track? and What the heck is going on with the Cunningham-Bauer-Talbot-Green-etc. family? That family encompassed two teachers, a bus driver, and, at last count, at least ten students, nine of whom rode her bus. They were the closest-knit group of cousins she’d ever seen – and yet sometimes they seemed just like any other family, arguing and sulking and teasing each other.
She’d been warned on day one not to “mess with” that family. That, of course, only intrigued her more.
That would be a nut she would take time to crack. Not too much time, of course, because, after all, she didn’t know how long she’d be here, but enough time that she didn’t come off creepy, stalkerish, or needy.
(By this point, she had how-to-deal-with-new-schools down to an artform. The problem was, new schools didn’t really have how-to-deal-with-new-kids down to anything but a mess.)
The mystery she decided to focus on first was much simpler, although it touched tangentially on that Cunningham-Bauer-Talbot-Green-etc. family mess, in that Miss Cunningham seemed somewhow to be involved.
It was: What is Mrs. Realle doing on lunch break, and why does it seem like Miss Cunningham and Mr. Fentner are involved?
It wasn’t so much that she thought it was anything bad, it was just that she was curious, and she learned far more about a place by sneaking around than she ever did by just going to classes.
So she slipped out of PE and went down to the girls’ room instead of to the cafeteria, which put her in the right place to walk back into that hall with teachers’ offices, the maintenance closet, and an abandoned classroom with 50’s-era science equipment. She slipped into the classroom, hid behind one of the giant lab tables, and waited.
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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1274199.html. You can comment here or there.
Hazards of Sisters – a ficlet of Winter/Stranded
In the past – when Winter is in his late teens
Winter leaned forward, his lips only a millimeter from Karen Schneider’s.
He could feel the place where the Strands were about to be disturbed. He could see the disturbance, even with his eyes closed.
He kissed her anyway. Kissed her and then wrapped an arm around her and rolled them both to the side.
“What!” she gasped and tried to pull away, but Winter had practice with this, if not with Karen.
The water balloons hit the tree behind them, right where they would have been if he hadn’t rolled them.
Winter released Karen and rolled off to his side so she didn’t feel the least bit restricted, just as his little sisters ran up to him.
“Winter!” Summer complained. “You cheated!”
Karen was finally catching up with what was going on. “You saw them coming?”
“Heard them,” he temporized. “I like this shirt. I imagined you didn’t want it getting soaked.”
It was a nice mint-green top, thin enough that even dry, he could see the lines of her bra strap through it. Wet, it would have left nothing at all to the imagination.
She blushed. “Thanks. Thanks, it’s just… you startled me.”
“You cheated,” Summer repeated.
“No.” Winter had far too much practice not getting irritated with his sisters. “As I recall, you three promised not to bother Karen and I for at least an hour. So I’d say you cheated.”
“Come on.” Autumn took Summer and Spring’s arms and steered them away. “He’s not any fun when he has company.”
Winter appreciated the gesture, but he could see that it was already too late for this particular date.
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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1270515.html. You can comment here or there.
Educational disagreements
This ficlet comes after: No Apple for Teacher, which followed Useful.
Both of those fics are after Retirement and Retirement 2: 50 years after the original series, Kai finds herself in possession of Rozen while she considers leaving Addergoole East.
“You’re not teaching them enough!” Rozen’s voice was a roar. He knew he was getting way too loud, and some part of him – the part that cared about the Bond – felt a little guilty about that.
The rest of him was angry enough to override that part.
“I’m teaching them plenty! When have you been a teacher?” Kai glared up at him, her hair a halo of red. Here, alone, she looked like herself. He tried not to let that distract him.
“More times than you give me credit for! I was even a Mentor a couple times!” Now his pride was pricked. “Look, you want me to teach them combat. You have to let me teach them combat.“
“I’m letting you teach them combat.” She was implacable. She wasn’t even shouting anymore. Rozen didn’t know what to think about that. It was starting to take the wind out of his sails, though. “I just don’t want you to teach them to be assassins.”
“I’m looking. You don’t need to keep saying that.”
Finally, he’d gotten her irritated. He swallowed the guilt-misery and nodded acknowledgement. “I’m not teaching them to be assassins-”
“No, you’re not.”
“Could I finish, please? I’m not teaching them to be assassins,” this time he hurried on before she could interrupt him again. “Just to take care of themselves. They’re kids, Kai, and the world is awful.”
He dropped to his knees. “Please?”
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1267407.html. You can comment here or there.