Tag Archive | prompter: dahob

Assume, a story for the Gender & Sexuality Theme, available for Patreon patrons now!

I started out with Hob’s punnish prompt and I may have just invented a new world. Also, Coffee Shop, because, well, there’s coffee shop AU’s everywhere so I just decided the U should be in a coffee shop.

Ahem. It was late and I was sleepy-giddy. Have a story. New ‘Verse.

The shop wasn’t all that busy. Haley wasn’t surprised: it was the middle of the day on the Thursday before Christmas, they were in a college-town area, not a high retail-traffic sort of place, and the snow was knee deep in the shallow parts. They were only open for the UPS drivers & bus drivers, if she was going to be honest. And to give Cady the hours, because Cady needed the money.

Haley didn’t mind having the extra help…

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1216888.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Through the Portal – an incomplete catgirl invasion for Patreon

Last month had a lot of not-quite-there stories, things that seemed good at first but didn’t quite work. While we’re gearing up for December’s prompt call, here’s the first of those “almosts” – thanks to DaHob. 

The invasion happened overnight (as far as the Americas were concerned, at least).  The portals opened, circles of blue light no bigger than a porthole, in bedrooms and offices and stores and streets around the world, and then they closed again, just as the sensors were starting to detect them.

There were witnesses, of course; even in places where it was midnight, not everyone was sleeping, and in places where it was daylight, the portals opened in very public places.  All of them told the same story: Continue reading

Through the Portal – an incomplete catgirl invasion – for all to read on Patreon

The invasion happened overnight (as far as the Americas were concerned, at least). The portals opened, circles of blue light no bigger than a porthole, in bedrooms and offices and stores and streets around the world, and then they closed again, just as the sensors were starting to detect them, closed again.

There were witnesses, of course; even in places where it was midnight, not everyone was sleeping, and in places where it was daylight, the portals opened in very public places. All of them told the same story:

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1209824.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Complications, a story for Patreon

“And I hope I never see you again!”

The door slammed shut with a clang of finality.  Karl leaned against the wall and put his hands over his face.  It wasn’t dark yet; he had maybe fifteen minute till the moon came up.  It didn’t matter.  He couldn’t go after her.

He shouldn’t go after her.  Melody had been nothing but trouble from the first time he’d seen her.   She liked to tease, fine.  She liked to flirt, fine.  Sure, he got a little bit growly sometimes but he wasn’t an animal, well, all right, he wasn’t a monster, well… look, he wasn’t a bad guy, okay?  He wasn’t going to make a scene just because his girlfriend wanted to smile at some other guy.  Only assholes did that, and if Karl was sure of one thing, it was that he wasn’t an asshole.

She liked to nit-pick.  That got to him worse than the flirting, because the flirting, he knew she was trying to rile him up, but it was easy enough to just sit back and watch the way she moved, and the way all the guys knew she’d come in with him and was likely leaving with him.  Karl wasn’t a bit guy, but he had that air of menace thing down to an art form, and he made guys twice his size nervous.  But the nit-picking?  He wasn’t going to try to intimidate his girlfriend, and Melody didn’t really stop otherwise.  He wouldn’t beg her, he wouldn’t give in to all the dozens of things she wanted him to change on any given day, and he wouldn’t apologize for being himself.  So he got yelled at, and did not yell back, or snarl, or look in the least bit scary.

He didn’t even know what the last straw had been.  He didn’t particularly care, or, at least, he didn’t want to care.  He couldn’t go after her.  He shouldn’t go after her, with the moon about to rise.  He did his best to not be intimidating, but the wolf inside him had no such compunctions.

And he couldn’t, because she’d taken the key to his Moon-time cage with her, and Karl could see his cell phone.  On the other side of the basement, on the nightstand.

He banged his head against the wall again.  At least the moon would be here soon.

Want more?

“Complications” up on Patreon for anyone to read

“And I hope I never see you again!”

The door slammed shut with a clang of finality. Karl leaned against the wall and put his hands over his face. It wasn’t dark yet; he had maybe fifteen minute till the moon came up. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t go after her.

read on…

My Patreon free story is up for all to read! This short story is in my “Animal People” theme, and features a bit of a relationship… complication.

Want to read all my Patreon stories? Pledge just $1/month. Or pledge $5/month and prompt fiction every month!

Bonus: your first prompt will be written to, even over the month’s cap, so you can sneak in an extra story for the month (or more, if you get your friends to pledge, too).

Double bonus: first $5 pledge puts us back into the serial-post-a-month milestone!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1205866.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Certain Things Remain (to One), for Patreon

After Fated.

“He’s your cousin.” Karen’s mother made the word sound positively scandalous.

“It’s not as if he’s my first cousin or something,” Karen countered tiredly. She’d already had this conversation with a sister, two cousins, and her mother’s aunt Betty. “To find a common ancestor — and only one of them, I might add – you have to go back up two family splits to a great-grandmother who married three times. Gerry down the street is more related to me than that.”

“But…” Her mother made a distressed noise. “You’re not supposed to… supposed to…”

“The power has damn well decided I’m going to be childless. Fate has pretty much determined I’m going to be loveless. And I don’t have some other sister or cousin available to become the Aunt.”

“I know.” Her mother’s voice was spiraling upwards. “I know you never wanted this, Karen-enna, but that’s how the family happens sometimes. It was bad enough, you taking in those twins… but now you’re going to go and marry your cousin? Are you trying to get the family to censure you?” Continue reading

Certain Things Remain (to One), a story of the Aunt Family for all to read on Patreon

“He’s your cousin.” Karen’s mother made the word sound positively scandalous.

“It’s not as if he’s my first cousin or something,” Karen countered tiredly. She’d already had this conversation with a sister, two cousins, and her mother’s aunt Betty. “To find a common ancestor — and only one of them, I might add – you have to go back up two family splits to a great-grandmother who married three times. Gerry down the street is more related to me than that.”

“But…” Her mother made a distressed noise. “You’re not supposed to… supposed to…”

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1190101.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Over-eaters’ Anonymous, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons

The support group met in the basement of a building that had, at one point, been a school. No church would accept them, no current school, no Y or rec center or even town hall – and it wasn’t like they had any question about why. They all knew why they were there, and it wasn’t like the name of their group, Over-eaters’ Anonymous, was actually fooling anyone.

They slipped in from separate entrances: through the floor, through the vents, a couple through one of the three doors into the old classroom….
read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1170922.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable