Tag Archive | prompter: mb

The Gardener, a story of Fae Apoc for Patreon

This is one of those that wandered off from the prompt, but I didn’t notice until I was done.  So have at. 🙂


The cherry trees needed extra buds plucked and the wisteria needed trimming; the dwarf willow in the tiny garden needed to be convinced back from the bench and the tomatoes in the vegetable patch needed weeding.

Damkina was humming. If the rain held off until past noon, it would be a good day.

Gardens, like people, came and went, Damkina had long since learned, albeit in a slower, more vegetal manner.  This one was young, not even a century old yet, and the people who believed they were employing her to maintain it had no idea who she really was.

That was fine with her.  She preferred anonymity to notoriety.
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Taking Flight – an incomplete flight for Patreon

I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but November ’16 had a lot of, ah, false starts.  So here’s another one, the beginning of the first story I started about flying.

Problem was, it’s sort of a nice setting image but it doesn’t want to go anywhere. 


Taking flight hadn’t been the easy part; it’d been terrifying, horrible, and, for more than a couple minutes, Parastoo had been absolutely certain she was going to die.

But every child did it, dove from the next, caught the wind, spread their wings, and flew – or missed, and tumbled, climbed back up and tried it again.  Every child had to fly, if they wanted to ever be an adult, if they ever wanted to really leave home. Continue reading

the Wrong Kidnapping, a short fic of Tír na Cali for Patreon

The collar clicking around Trey’s neck was supposed to be the culmination of months – years – of planning, the final realization of all his hopes and dreams.

It made the feeling all that much more sour. This collar wasn’t pretty, like the ones in the contraband romance novels. It wasn’t light and airy, it wasn’t comfortable, like the ones Trey had played with, in underground clubs and quiet swing parties. It didn’t come with nice words and a quiet understanding of his place in the world, a sense of comfortable inevitability, a sense of honored submission.
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Priorities, a story of Faerie Apocalypse, live on Patreon

a story of the Faerie Apocalypse: written for the April Patreon Theme (April Showers)

“Pass me a crowbar!” Aileen had crawled over the detritus of most of a trailer park and now was shouting from inside of the one mostly-intact trailer. ”And, uh, do we have a pipe wrench?”

“I’ve got a pipe torch,” Bracken called back. “And a hacksaw. Aileen, what the eff are you doing?” She had found a motherlode of canned goods…

(read on…)

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1127047.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Leftovers, ficlets of the Stranded World, are available on Patreon for all to read

The story that began with this little series…

The RoundTree Siblings Prepare for Thanksgiving

The Family That Knots Together

A Family Tree

…is completed here on Patreon.

“Your mother is something else.”  Marina glanced at the back seat of WInter’s sensible and spacious sedan, where Mila and Henry were sleeping.  “Your family is… is something else.”

Winter smiled, because he thought it would make her uncomfortable if he frowned.  “Is that a good thing?”… (read on…)

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1114434.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable