Tag Archive | question

Feedback Requested

I have 3 posts currently open for feedback:

Patreon May Theme Poll – will close 5/5 at 5:55 (Eastern time)

“Finish It!” – what stories do you want to see me finish? I need a total of 30…

…and speaking of finishing, I was already planning on finishing a fdomme story, or at least progressing it. Tell me which one?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1100204.html. You can comment here or there.

FDomme stories – one of these to be continued for a bit.

Okay, I have a lot of “male captive” stories (for a reason), all of ’em hanging around unfinished.

(please feel free to suggest others, this is just off the top of my head):

Reynard and Elle
Mieve and Amrit*
Daxton and Esha ***
Arisse and Chress **
Jahnan And Yira…

Which one should I focus on for the next, say 5000-10000 words of entertaining not-currently-for-profit fic?

(These may turn into books of the self-pub variety at some point…)

(*s mark “votes”, since I didn’t feel like making this a poll and I won’t treat it as binding, more like recommendations)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1097491.html. You can comment here or there.

Name the Serial Family! (also maybe the Serial)

Okay, I have a Serial family.

But they need names! Also, I need a POV character of them, pref. one of the kids. I’m thinking Middle Daughter – thoughts?

We have their brief bios (see link above) and know that they live on a tropical sky island and like to hike.

Also, they’re about to go on an adventure.

Name them?

We have Parent One, Parent Two, and Daughters One through Three.

While we’re at it, the setting/serial need names too!

From Rix_scaedu:

Ideas for names – won’t work together:

Shining Pearl

From inventrix:

From: clare_dragonfly:
Billow (to go with Nimbus and Shining Pearl)

Shot in the dark: Help migrating Addergoole to WordPress requested

Some time ago, I started migrating Addergoole from its old roll-your-own to a wordpress site: http://www.addergoole.com/TOS/

However, if you look at the original table of contents (http://addergoole.com/TableofContents.html), you can see that this is a monumental project.

Is there anyone willing to be bribed with promises of future fiction to help me with this work?

Moving a page involves:

Copying and pasting it from the original page
Checking formatting – it took me a couple tries to find what worked for me
Checking for two name changes from original canon to new
Scanning the chapter for all characters and tagging them in the correct tagging format
Marking each chapter in the correct categories

As I said, it’s rather monumental, but I am drowning in long-term writing & personal projects and am not doing well at getting it done myself.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1069360.html. You can comment here or there.

Brainstorming: Roddenberry Aliens / Variations on humanoid

I’m playing with Foedus Planetarum to give myself something to, uh, play with.

Yira’s people, the Medusas, have tentacle braids and tend large in stature.

Jahnan’s people tend brown-and-green, very dexterous, with prehensile toes and prehensile, forked tongues.

I am looking for a couple more variations on the humanoid theme and have not yet found a generator for that /goes looking/


Edited to add: [personal profile] inventrix had provided these links:
and this one

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/997384.html. You can comment here or there.

Help fill the Roster – Addergoole year 20 (& 19,18,18)

The year is (fictionally) 2014. The world started ending in 2011. Tell me something/as much as you want/ everything about an Addergoole student beginning school this, the 20th year of Addergoole.

Existing students in year 20 are:
Adalbert (Anda/Ciro)
Alewar (Sarita/Finn)
Ankara (Aggie/Bowen)
Berry (holly/Tristan)
Chaney (http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/123052.html)
Eryk (Shiva/Ty)
Lidah (Ivette/Anwell)
Rasputin (‘Lisha/Vlad)
Selena (Oralee/Meshach)
Willow (Acacia/Carter)

This is still early enough for 1st generation characters, however!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/978837.html. You can comment here or there.

Interludes in Edally: What should I put in ’em?

The Missing Treaty will have informational interludes every 6 chapters, much as The Angry Aetherist did: http://www.edallyacademy.com/category/story/interludes/informational/

These included subjects like:
* what meals are like at Edally
* A brief history of the school
* What the dorms look like.

I asked earlier if anyone had anything they wanted to know about Edally; I’ll expand the question here:

Is there anything you’d like to know about Edally or about Reiassan, the greater world Edally is set in?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/976258.html. You can comment here or there.

Corollary question to “Iconic Stories” question

(Iconic stories: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/971913.html )

If I were going to write a story (~1000-2000 words) in your favorite setting(s) as an introduction to the setting, what would it include?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/972496.html. You can comment here or there.