Tag Archive | question

Iconic Stories

Iiiiii don’t know if anyone can answer this, but it’s worth a try.

Think of your favorite of my settings.

Now, is there a story you can remember as “this, this is a good intro to [setting]?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/971913.html. You can comment here or there.

Sites that are not DW/LJ for reading fiction?

Are there sites on which you read fiction, fan or otherwise?

I know of AO3, and I’ve at least heard of Fanfiction.net although I haven’t heard anything specific about it.

I know some people post fiction on Deviantart, but I dunno how much feedback/audience that garners one.

And I used to read Potter fic on Fiction Alley, but that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Are there any other fandom-specific sites?

I can and do plan to use the Google machine, but anything where someone already knows the community would be super helpful.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/952527.html. You can comment here or there.

Help me create a meta-fictional fandom & female super-hero


Imagine a world very much like ours, except, through some twist of fate, a major comic book publisher managed to create a female super-hero whose path followed something like Batman’s/Superman’s in our world.

She got a long-running TV show in the 60’s, movies in the 70’s, then a reboot in the early 90’s and another reboot around 2010. The comic strip has spawned dozens of side-lines. There have been animated shows and even a brief musical. Fanfiction abounds. Fan wars abound.

She would have first appeared in a Wonder Worlds Comics (Often called, because of its logo, V4 or V4C) in the mid-30’s.


She needs a name. It needs to be a woman or lady or anything that isn’t girl, please.
It also needs to be not something that already shows up on a Google search, ’cause this is showing up in to-be-published work. <.<

I would like for her to have a super-power of some sort, and a secret identity.

edited to add: now I have two! Waterwoman/Liquid Lady and the Aerialist!

I’m leaning more towards Bruce Wayne than Clark Kent in this secret identity, even though such heros don’t usually have superpowers.

She needs at least 2 sidekicks, pref. with catchphrases, one male and one female.

A trademark villain or two wouldn’t be bad, either.

And anything else you can think of!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/948837.html. You can comment here or there.

Tell-Me-What-To-Write Link Pile

 April Theme Poll – pick the poll for this month!

Blogging (Etc) from A-Z – topics from K on (Excluding P) still open!

World/Character-Building Fun Prompt Call – Dragons Next Door, Addergoole/Doomsday, Reiassan/Edally

Five Things... – If I were to do a series of Five Things… blog posts

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/918032.html. You can comment here or there.

International Women’s Day: Ask me anything about any woman character of mine

In honor of International Women’s Day, leave any question about any woman character of mine from now till 2 p.m. EDT (freaking Daylight Savings) Monday. I’ll answer through the next week!

(PS: if I’m pointed to other holidays I can do similar things for them. Although, for instance, I don’t have any President character for President’s Day <.<)

Edit: Closed. Only two questions!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/906237.html. You can comment here or there.

Thinking about creating a new bingo community – feedback requested

Because of a variety of systemic problems I’ve had with [community profile] kink_bingo over the years, most of which I really feel are “it’s not them, it’s me,” I’ve been thinking about creating my own sexytimes and kinkytimes type of bingo community.

If you would have an interest in participating:

* What sort of prompts would you like to see? Specific prompts? Categories?
* What sort of prompts do no Definitely Not Want?

* How about achievements?

* And, as a community, are there things you’re rather see/not see?

As an example, if I create a bingo community, it will not be “fanfic with orgfic tacked on;” I’ll try to make the language & rules include both original fic & fanfic (It’s a small thing, but it frustrates me endlessly).

So what about you?

Also, what should I callll it?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/882868.html. You can comment here or there.

More thoughts on Mellama’s IconDay6


Okay, so I was thinking – the last giraffe call (http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/819607.html) made enough for an art!

And Mel has art options in her tipping thresholds.

Sooo… there’s a lot of “more please” stories that came out of this Call. Ideas? I was thinking either the young princeling/his older Mentor; the ace prince & his ace rescuer, or the princess with her Very Very Angry Captive


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/868538.html. You can comment here or there.

“Hey, Lyn, Why Don’t You Write More ____?” Here’s your chance(s)!

Ever want to poke me to write something in specific?

This thread gives you a chance to suggest a blog topic sometime in December,


this thread is for prompts for anything non-Addergoole (is there a desire for an Addergoole/Fae Apoc/Doomsday prompt thread?)


this thread is to help me narrow down the “more please” tag to a few stories.


Go, tell me what to write!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/857835.html. You can comment here or there.