Tag Archive | repost

Patreon: Thresholds and Liminal places; Laying the Foundation (repost)

The poll has spoken!

The theme for January is Thresholds and Liminal Spaces. For a $5/month pledge, you can leave all the prompts you want.

Doorways literal and figurative, steps into new lives, leaving beyond the old – it’s a good theme for a new year.

Prompt Here

This was originally posted on February 15, 2012; it’s an early-ish story of Stranded world and it involves both thresholds and transitions.


“I think you should come hang out next weekend,” Calgary told Autumn, over the last beer of the last day of Faire. “Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur are building a house.”

“Seriously?” she raised an eyebrow. She was far too drunk to be polite when faced with that.

Calgary grinned, and quaffed her beer. “Three friends of mine, been together since college. Not Faire folk but fair folk, if you know what I mean…

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1224411.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Wishing a Merry Christmas – Patreon repost

This story was originally posted Dec. 27th, 2011. It takes place in the Facets of Dusk universe, or, rather, between many of the universes of that setting. The Facets team is moving through Doors between universes, mapping them… or, possibly, stuck trying to find the right one home.


“Working on Christmas,” Xenia grumbled. She checked her weapons again, as if that would help

“Well, what would you prefer?” Aerich snapped. “We could stay here in this wasteland, or we could go through the Door and hope there’s a building with four standing walls there.”

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1218186.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

A Star in the East, a repost story, available on Patreon now

Originally posted on December 26, 2011; these are excerpts from an unwritten novel, “A Star Rises in the East;” in this novel, Jesus Christ was not born in ~0 BCE but in 2012.


Jessica had bypassed frightened and headed straight into a numb sort of terror. She clung tightly to Tyler’s hand, grateful for his presence while cringing as he yelled at the nurse. “What do you mean there’s no-one on duty?”

“It’s a federal holiday. There’s a skeleton staff, but there’s no-one in the OB-GYN department and we weren’t expecting you and your… young lady.”

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1217559.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Gift Fairy, a repost story, available on Patreon now

This was originally posted in January 8, 2012. t’s not quite Christmassy, but it definitely involved a giving spirit, so… Happy Holidays!


“The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job,” Francis’ father used to say, or “the dishes fairy ain’t gonna wash the dishes.” The homework fairy wasn’t going to do his homework, and the wish fairy wasn’t going to make stuff happen.

Francis couldn’t help but laugh, then, when the packages started appearing all over the city.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1215868.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Little Gifts, Big Packages – A repost story for the holidays

This story was originally posted on Dec. 25, 2011.


“That… that’s the biggest present I’ve ever seen.”

“Well, I suppose I could have made it bigger, but that was the longest iso container they had available.”

“And how did you wrap it?”

“Oh, you know. I hired this company that wraps jets.”

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1214621.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Sweater Set – A repost story for the holidays

This story was originally posted Dec. 19th, 2011. It is part of the Aunt Family setting, albeit with characters who don’t otherwise show up often, if at all.

Everyone, Nelia had decided, had to have one relative they dreaded visiting, especially during the holidays.

In a family as wide, varied, and spread-out as Nelia’s, she wasn’t surprised that she had more than one – two aunts and an uncle, to be specific – that she really wanted nothing to do with. And she wasn’t surprised that Fate dictated she see all of them at least fourteen times a year.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1213053.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Story Repost: The Scores, the Stories, and the Truths

I have reposted The Scores, the Stories, and the Truths, a story of Fae Apoc, to Patreon.

Originally posted here on November 26th, 2011, it is set sometime before the apocalypse, and gives a snapshot of a non-Addergoole Fae Apoc character.

Adham Alamerta knew the score. He knew, as a matter of fact, quite a few scores.

Both a professor and a student of history and anthropology, he’d learned very early on to read the stories written between the lines of human history.

There were more stories written there than most people could imagine.

(read on…)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/968229.html. You can comment here or there.

Story Repost: Discovery Channel

I have reposted Discovery Channel, a story of Fae Apoc, to Patreon.

Originally posted here on October 26th, 2010, it is set in the midst of the apocalypse. I think, of all of the stories from that era, it gives the best feeling for the setting while being a decently-written story as well.

The halls of the internment camp – voluntary relocation center – were nearly empty. In the first couple weeks here, they’d been full and bouncing, as people, antsy in the confined space, a repurposed abandoned high school building, had wandered from room to room, visiting, meeting new people, just looking for an excuse to get out of their barracks…

(read on…)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/965680.html. You can comment here or there.