Tag Archive | signal boost

A Request!

My friends,

Today I am going to ask you to talk about me (and then, in fairness, I am going to offer to talk about you).

By this point, all 70-some people who subscribe to this blog know about Edally; you know about MARKED; you know about Addergoole and you know about my Patreon.

(You probably also know about Lady Taisiya’s Fourth Husband, Desmond’s Climb, the Beekeeper, and my sporadic crossover fanfic, about Dragons Next Door, Aunt Family, the Space Accountant and Things Unknown… I could go on all day).

But I would like more people to know about all of those things, and not just because I like meeting new people.

More traffic means more chance for ads, for one — Edally is still under the Project Wonderful traffic threshold. It means more Patreon patrons (which, for those of you supporting me on Patreon, means more content for everyone). More feedback — and we all know I love comments. (You knew I loved comments, right?)

So what can you do?

Tell your friends! (Tell your families, tell the people on the street… okay, I’m getting carried away). If you have a story you love, post a link to it. Liking Edally and/or MARKED? Tell people that!

Post a review! All four of my serials are available on Web Fiction Guide for review: here and MARKED should be up soon.

Post a banner! People like shiny things, maybe they’ll click on a link from a shiny banner?

Talk about the stories! Heck, I’ve gotten more than a few readers just talking about Addergoole on Twitter.

Write fanfic! Or make fan art!

Think hard about my stories in places where telepaths might pick up your brain waves. Don’t wear an EMF-protecting hat while you do so.

For any and all of this you do, I thank you.

Now, the reciprocal part: Me talking about you.

Do you have a project you want highlighted (yours, or someone else’s)? Let me know! Let me know where I can read it, what the best link is. Link me to a graphic, if one exists!

And I’ll plug, review, share, talk it up.



(links to Patreon)

(links to DW)

Edited to add: these came out huge! Feel free to resize, or I will work on smaller ones later, too.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1237690.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Weekend, with flea market and semi-relevant links

We went on a field trip Sunday!

So, we drove up to nearly where Sam grew up – about 3 hours, the northwest corner of the state, inasmuch as NY has corners. There’s a rather big flea market there, that does a monthly EVEN BIGGER flea market. And we got stuff! Specifically, a picnic basket, a hand-held/hand-operated sewing machine, and a loaf pan of pumpkinyness. Total spent: $16.

And then we got REALLY GOOD ice cream and then we went to a Hyatt’s (art supply store) and a BBQ store and… then we drove home and fell over. Good day, all in all.

  • Some Fun links I’ve encountered:

  • Do you Pinterest? I have three newish boards you might find interesting:

    • Addergoole Changes, which, you guessed it, has art depicting potential Changes for Addergoole and the fae apoc ‘verse. (Changes, if you don’t follow the setting, are the physical ways in which Ellehemaei (fae) are different from humans.) There’s a lot of Mermaids; I’d love to see some other suggestions if you find things.

    • Thimbleful Thursday collects all the little graphics I’ve made and posted so far for the Thimbleful Thursday & Tell-me Tuesday prompts

    • Reiassan Inspiration is a combination of garb and cultural references, brightly-colored clothing, and brightly-colored rest-of-the-world. Also braids, and there really ought to be some goats there. Again, please feel free to suggest anything you come upon that might be Reiassan-y.

  • Speaking of MCA Hogarth, if you have not checked out her Candy-Colored Kickstarter, you have just about three days to go for the neon goodness that it is.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1153214.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Weekends, Links, and other fun things…


  • I got stung by a bee for the first time in my adult life the Sunday before this one.  The poor thing was probably just looking for something alive, considering the drought-ridden state of our yard.  Still, I’ve learned a) I’m still not allergic to bees (somewhat of a concern, as both my father & my maternal uncle had adult-onset of bee-sting allergies), b) there’s quite a range of non-allergy-based reactions to bee stings.  In this case, “where did my ankle bone go?”  It took about a week for the swelling to vanish — I have my foot back, finally! — and I am left with an itchy spot and a strong resolve to not get stung again.

  • I have gotten Thimbleful Thursday prompts scheduled out through the end of July 2018!  I wanted to make sure I had a year in the hopper after I, um, got distracted and forgot to post prompts from December through May.  I think I’m set, now.  I could ignore it for 2 years and it would still be there.

  • We are building a bed!  We bought a new mattress during July, going from a Queen (second-hand, 1000 years old) to a new foam California King (and when I put it “cali king,” I giggle every time) mattress.  Thus, need a new bedframe.  
    Because our bedroom is narrow and longish (7-½’ by 14-½’), we’re building a storage bed with drawer/carts coming out the long way — from the foot.  This is leading to a frame that looks something like an elongated E.  We’ve got the lumber; next stage… cutting!

  • You can make a Suicide Squad-style icon of yourself! Or, in my case, sort of a wishful-thinking self.

  • If you’re interested in paranormal romance, check out Selena Page.  I’ve beta-read both extant novellas, and there’s another one coming in August!

  • Cutthroat Kitchen fan?  Did you see this post from Jet Tila?

  • There’s still slots open — comment on Addergoole’s new site and get a ficlet in return.  Make the pretty new page look less lonely!

  • …I really gotta get around to renewing my DW subscription…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1147885.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Lucy Weaver’s July Prompt Call~

Check out Lucy Weaver’s prompt call today:

I’m in the mood for action, for political intrigue, for space battles and sword fights and bishie boys. I will write at least 250 words per prompt, and may write more if the urge strikes me. I’ll be taking prompts from July 30-31

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1147180.html. You can comment there.

Lilfluff has a prompt call open!

Go check out [personal profile] lilfluff ‘s prompt call to the theme "alternatives."

He’s taking prompts to his last two bingo cards, as well as more general prompts and "more of xxx"

Go prompt!  

Edit: Fluff has a landing page of sorts here which serves as a good starting place for his work.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1096351.html. You can comment here or there.

GoFundme Signal Boost: Emergency Moving Fund

My friend’s sister/my friend Alice just lost her job unexpectedly, and she could use a little help to get a new place: https://www.gofundme.com/7eqtfg2s

Just today, my sister Alice was abruptly laid off from her job with no warning, leaving her with no income, no insurance, and an apartment she can’t pay rent on without that last paycheck.

Plus, without that job, she’s rushing to find someplace that she can not only afford, but can also find a new job from.

Please help Alice out if you can!


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1068971.html. You can comment here or there.