So. This began from Bilge Rats & Puppets. That is: in Bilge Rats and Puppets, you have Evil?Charming and DeckHand!Hook(*) in a situation where they are completely in the control of an Evil Snow White.
And then I was thinking “so what if this was in Fae Apoc?”
Which meant deciding how I was getting them into a situation where they were from separate “groups” (in this case sects of Ellehemaei) and then getting some evil queen’s hands on Charming’s heart —
Wait, not actually in Once Upon a Time, getting some Evil Queen to Own Charming and Hook, or rather, David and Killian.
This is set, thus, in Fae Apoc in the middle of the apocalypse. It should be readable without knowing that setting, however.
Charming looks like Charming from Once Upon a Time and his characterization is based on that character – and on the character in Puppets and Bilge Rats, the fic which inspired my Bilge Rats and Puppets.
Hook – Small Fry – is based on DeckHand!Hook more than normal canon Hook – here’s the gifset I referenced in Bilge Rats.
(*) See https://fanlore.org/wiki/! to explain the trait!Name style of naming. I put a ? in Evil?Charming’s name on purpose because it’s not clear either in canon or in the fanwork whether Charming is actually evil, and in my fic he is not particularly evil. And here is another link on the same topic.
Okay, once again I have written an entire fic’s worth of introduction. Have at!

The rubble hit Charming in the head while he was still trying to stop the blasted wyvern from eating a police officer. He had managed to get the thing pinned down, a piece of rebar through its neck, but it was still moving.
He missed fights that weren’t in the middle of downtown and didn’t involve massive swarms of wyverns.
He missed not seeing more than one wyvern in a month and he definitely missed not having to protect civilians who were trying to protect him at the same time.
“Watch out!” someone shouted. He aimed his Force shield over and around as many civilians as he could while the wall came falling right into him.
The rubble hit him in the face; he went down still trying to shield as many people as possible. Continue reading →