Tag Archive | summary

A Week In Alder

The Highlights

Some Stories
Cats and Grandmas – a Story of Aunt Family
Meeting the Archmage – a story of the Circled Plain
Oil & Water for Thimbleful Thursday

Feedback Requested
Ladies Bingo – Prompt a Square!

My Life, My Brain
Micro-Housing becoming a trend fascinates me
Gone Sailing!
Taughannock Falls

My Serial(s)
Edally Academy: The Angry Aetherist – Chapter Eight: Far From the Best

Other People
Signal Boost: LB-Lee’s Writeathon
K Orion Fray’s September Prompt Call

If You Want to Be A Samurai
Gonna Be a Samurai… Kitty?
Baram’s Elves
There Are Always Choices
Fae Apoc
Safety (After Wildlife Refuge)
Stranded World
Like This & Like That A [personal profile] djinni Icon Fic
The Heritage that Wasn’t
It’s not the Prom for Three-Word Wednesday
Better Left Unsaid, for #fridayFlash

September’s Theme Has Been Chosen
The Aunt Family: A Welcome
Landing page updated:
Fairy Town

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/804291.html. You can comment here or there.

A Week in Alder

The Highlights

A Few Stories
Other Soldiers, Other Fates (posted on Patreon for Reiassan)
Wildlife Refuge, a Fae Apoc story
Seasons’ Change, a fantasy-style story

Tell me Things
New Novellete-Series Idea

My Serials
Jumping Rings Chapter Five: Thrust
Edally Academy Chapter Seven: Classes and Challenges

A Piece of my Life
The Falls at Taughannock
Weird Summer

Other People
Doomsday Academy: First Day of Math by
Possibly all of my Djinni Icons
K Orion Fray’s Inspiration Wednesday: Mountains, Gandalf!

New Writing Prompt Site: Thimbleful Thursdays

Giraffe Business
Did You Know (Giraffe Call Commissions still open)
Two Continuations Anonymously Paid For (GiraffeCall)

Feedback Requested
Please help me narrow down this tag to 5 or ten choices…
Reiassan/Edally Wiki Question

Anyboy Want some Kale?
The People… They look Like Ants…
Taugannock Falls St. Park – looking out across the gorge to the lake

My Life
8 Years Ago in my Personal Life

Landing Pages
Langing Page: Doomsday (new)
Landing Page: Dragons Next Door (updated)

Fursona Generator

Aquilina at School
Going to Learn How to be A Samurai
Being a Samurai takes Work
Visiting Doomsday
Outtake: Things Need to Change (posted at Addergoole.com/9)
Adergoole/Criminal Minds Xover
Fae Apoc
How do you know that it won’t work?
Aunt Family
How the Family Does Things
With the Goats
The Goat Legacy
Tír Na Cali
Some Jobs Just Aren’t Worth the Risk
Entanglement for 3 Word Wednesday
Friday Flash: Intelligent Life

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/797870.html. You can comment here or there.

A Week In Alder

The Highlights

A Few Stories
A Hero of Reiassan – Patreon Story, a story of a Reiassan Hero
Kittens, a story for the Giraffe Call
Where the Stars Went Out Fae Apoc, Apoc Era

Ask For More Stories
Giraffe Call! A Prompt Call – Leave a Prompt, get a fic. Theme: Animalia

Serial Fiction
August 12-August 19 in the Faerie Apoc
Edally Academy: The Angry Aetherist Interude: In the Onadyano Tower Dorms

A Piece of My Life
Blog Hop Stop: Fiction in the Alder’s Grove
Tomato Season!

Other People’s Stuff
“More than you probably want to know about canning” – tomato canning by Ranunculus
K_A_Webb Words Raffle

Friday Flash: With the Moon
Test Story for Clockwork Apoc: More Blank Plains – travel the wastelands of the clockwork apoc
Any Given Apocalypse (3-Word-Wednesday)

Flying-Squirrel’s Freedom (or Fetters) (Furry Sky {irates)
It’s You (Friday Flash)

And We Are Not Monsters, a continuation of Baram’s Elves
Reynard’s Story in Reynard’s Words
Her Verdict (Reynard)
The Beast we Become (Ayla, Addergoole Year 6)
Gonna Be A Samurai (Doomsday Academy)
Doomsday Academy: 1st Day of History Class

Reiassan – a Welcome
Character Meme Day Three: Tairiekie in Another Era

(Reiassan Demifiction)
On Hair-Braiding Patterns and Their Significance
Lannamer Department Gendarme Report
The Lannamer Chronicle: the Karsekarzlen Bucks
A Review of “On the Nature of the Sira & Its Flow”
A Letter Home from the Bitrani South

Musing about Identity Online (Personal Blog Post)
Self-Sustained Living: How Big a Backyard do you need to feed a family of Four? Infographic Discussion

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/786834.html. You can comment here or there.

August 12-August 19 in the apocalypse

The Apoc

In the end of May, 2011, strange things started happening all over the world. Follow along with [personal profile] faeapoclive, [twitter.com profile] faeapoclive, and [tumblr.com profile] faeapoclive as the apocalypse unfolds


TOMAHAWK, Wisconsin; FARMVILLE, Virginia; CYPRESS, Texas(AP): What started in june in fort valley, Georgia with one man, Glen Carlson, has been spreading across the country: people creating giant five-pointed stars into their property, or, in some cases, into public land.

In Tomahawk, Wisconsin, Arlene Brady built the star, which she calls a “devil’s trap,” out of old pallet wood. In Farmville, Virginia, Lucas Gibson cut it into his wheat field. And in Fort Valley, Georgia, an entire family worked together to lay the star in white stone in their back yard.

What, exactly, the purpose of these stars is remains to be seen.



ATHENS, Greece(AP): Rioting began Friday around the Acropolis, and has only worsened since; Greece news sources are reporting at least seven dead, although the Grecian government claims “only minor injuries.”

With the influx of visitors and opportunists seeking to visit the so-called “Zeus” who has taken up residence on the rebuilt Acropolis, Grecian police sought to maintain order. They declared a curfew and started forcing loiterers off the streets at dark.

The tourists – and, some say, the Athenian people as well – responded with violence. Overhead photos show at least a city block on fire, and tanks in downtown Athens.
Neither the Grecian police nor Zeus could be reached for a statement.


CHACO CANYON, New Mexico(AP): an enclosure nearly a mile on a side has been constructed around the historical site here at the Chetro Ketl Great Kiva.

Rumor and local witnesses say that a portal – a “glowing circle of light in the middle of the air” – was discovered here in early june, just as many of the other portals were appearing.
But the black-suited individuals, who will not reveal their affiliation, have had the place on lockdown ever since. Nobody except their people get within the perimeter, and they don’t leave, taking deliveries at the gate.

Last night, locals report seeing a series of seven “eye-searing” flashes of light come from within the enclosure.



NEW YORK CITY, NY(AP): Despite there being no legal precedent for such a thing, the vote of no confidence against New York Mayor Michael Bloomburg went forth as scheduled yesterday.

The votes are still being counted, but new candidates are already beginning to campaign.

Foremost among those candidates is Hera sheh Rheah, whose corporation, Peacock, Inc., poured millions of dollars into the campaign to depose Mayor Bloomburg.



CROSSVILLE, TN(AP): Reports have surfaced of ghosts walking the streets in this Cumberland County city.

People across the city have called in to the radio stations, posted photos on Facebook, tweeted out about the news – the are seeing the dead walk again.

One woman, known as @cumberlandbeauty, tweeted: “Just saw my grandmother walking down the street, just where she walked every day. She’s been dead five years.”

Another man, Ronald Smith, posted photos on Facebook of what appear to be translucent Civil War soldiers walking through the cemetery.

In normal times, this would be assumed to be some sort of citywide hoax, but, as the reports keep flying in, this reporter can’t help but wonder if the dead really are walking in Cumberland.

Like what you See?
Drop a few coins into the portal!

Or become a Patreon Patron!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/781510.html. You can comment here or there.

A Week In Alder

The Highlights

A Few Stories
Through the Blank Plains
Robot – both in the Clockwork Apoc.
Bad Reception – in the Faerie Apoc setting.
The Daily Grind – for [community profile] dailyprompt: Every day, the same ‘ol grind.

A Bit of My Life
The Hazards of Being Sick & Grown-Up
Spanish Rice (Recipe Blogpost)

My Webserials
Edally Academy: Interlude – The Dormitories
Jumping Rings: Chapter Four – Duck

Feedback Requested
A Meme! – Give me a line of a story I haven’t Written
Character Motivations – Name any character of mine

Other People: Book Launches
Toad Words by ursulav
Vinny the Armadillo Makes a Friend! by haikujaguar
Some Things Transcend and 2nd Edition Even the Wingless by haikujaguar

Other People: Prompt Calls
K Orion Fray has a Prompt Call open for fiction – the theme is revenge.
[personal profile] inventrix is looking for demifiction prompts for her Saeland (Invisible Dragons) setting.


Clockwork Apocalypse
The Job – Three Word Wednesday
The Easy Way & Hard (for Three-Word Wednesday)

Addergoole & Post-Apoc
The Clean-Up (Post-Addergoole Apoc: Baram’s Elves)
Not All Bad (Blaecleah’s story, Yr 27)
Rick-(steam)Rolled by Loooove (songfic)
The Dead Gods Come Visiting
Reynard Spills His Story – Reynard’s story (post-apoc)
…Tied up With String♪♪

Reiassan – Steam
Character Meme – Tairiekie
Character Meme – Tairiekie

Reiassan Demifiction
Pieces of non-fiction written in a fictional fantasy setting
The Prompt Call
Shoes & Fashion
History Text
Notes from Sandrenno of Ferania
Book Review: The Ideztozhyuh Strode Out of the Mountain
Wanted Poster

Boom Town & Doomsday Academy
Center Street

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/776439.html. You can comment here or there.

June 22 – June 30 in the Apocalypse

The Apoc

In the end of May, 2011, strange things started happening all over the world. Follow along with [personal profile] faeapoclive, [twitter.com profile] faeapoclive, and [tumblr.com profile] faeapoclive as the apocalypse unfolds


ATHENS, Greece(AP): The Acropolis of Athens, built in the fifth century B.C., is an ancient citadel located on a high rocky outcrop above the city of Athens. It encompasses the ruins of several famous buildings, including the well-known Parthenon.
However, in the past weeks, the citadel has gone from ruins to complete buildings. The stone and marble gleam. Tapestries hang from the walls. And in the center of the Parthenon, a throne is being occupied by an eight-foot-tall man.



KUSHIRO, Hokkaido(AP): Residents first noticed a lack of birds over a week ago, but nobody was certain about the loss until yesterday, when scientists confirmed what people were saying.

According to ornithologists, there are no birds within a 20-mile circle of Kushiro, not flying in nor out nor around.

Scientists are baffled by this, but continue to work on theories. Many residents, fearing the worst, have already evacuated.



United Nations Building, NYC(AP): Chasidy Royal, a translator for the Sudanese delegation to the UN, stood up today in the middle of a closed session and began shouting.

“All hail,” she is quoted as saying. “The almighty, the most beautiful, the powerful are coming. All hail she who is Queen of them all. All hail she who will lead the armies across the plains. Bow down now or be destroyed.”

Royal then proceeded to repeat the phrase in Sudanese, French, and Italian before she was removed from the room.



LAS VEGAS, Nevada(AP): The mayor of Las Vegas has ordered the woman calling herself Aphrodite – who has declared herself Queen of Las Vegas – removed from the city limits on pain of arrest. Although no formal charges were drawn up, police – and a number of non-uniformed self-appointed enforcers – have gathered to carry out the Mayor’s word.

Neither the Queen nor the Mayor could be reached for comment.



AFRICA: Reports from across the continent today all say similar things: anywhere in Africa and the Middle East last night, anyone looking at the sun saw instead a bloody orb, red and fiery, twice the size as the moon normally is.

Even satellites, if orbiting over Africa at the time, report the same images, and telescopes and film evidence rule out mass hallucination.

Scientists are, as they have been for several weeks, completely baffled.



LAS VEGAS, Nevada: The woman calling herself Aphrodite, the Queen of Las Vegas, has issued a statement. In it she declares “I am the sovereign leader of the City of Las Vegas. All others who claim to be in charge are false idols and liars and will be removed as such.”

The Mayor of Las Vegas, in a separate statement, declared, once again, that Aphrodite was to be removed from Las Vegas; the Governor of Nevada seconded this and the Nevada State Police have issued a warrant for Aphrodite’s arrest.



ATHENS, Greece(AP) The man calling himself Zeus has declared that all of Athens will be shut down to accommodate his wishes – not only virgins, as he first demanded, but feasts and luxuries “as befits the king of gods.”

In a country beset by austerity, crisis, and chaos, such things are hard to find, but the people of Athens seems to be doing their best to accommodate their new “god.”

Like what you See?
Drop a few coins into the portal!

Or become a Patreon Patron!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/762605.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary of the Last Week-Plus

Last Summary
First 3 Weeks in the Apocalypse
Last Week in the Apocalypse

My new Patreon Page

Leaves in this Tree

The Collar Job, Part XVI
The Collar Job, Part XVII

Kicking Out Unwelcome Guests Baram’s House Elves

Eriko Boom/Cynara/Boomtown post-year-50

Old Stories & Old Fates Fairy Town

Edally Academy: The Angry Aetheristnew serial!
The Angry Aetherist, Chapter Two

Blaecleah – yr 27 – A continuation of Addergoole
Change of Plans
Backing Out and Walking In

Escape from Rochester
Profile 14: Cadens (with Interfaith, Brendan, Rob)
Prequil Vignette 5: Dorian
Prequel Vignette 6: Jason
Profile 15: Ric (with Caden, Interfaith)
Profile 16: Kendra

Life in this Forest

Journaling Try 1 Day 1
Anniversary Saturday – Wine and BBQ
Recipe Log: Chocolate Avocado Pudding
Garden: Planting!
How my “Pick a random Number” Process on Twitter mostly works

Other Trees

ItsAMellama’s Pay-what-you-want Icon Day
Read demifiction of Aunt Family, written by dialecticdreamer
Written to My Prompt: Forign Streets
City & Town Name Generator!

Feedback Wanted

A Different Sort of Prompt Request
Themes Ideas for Patreon campaign
More, Please – which stories to more, please?
See Other Addergoole Characters go through the Apoc?
Interest Check: digital/print format gathering faeapoclive together?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/742384.html. You can comment here or there.

Last Week in the Apocalypse

The Apoc

In the end of May, 2011, strange things started happening all over the world. Follow along with [personal profile] faeapoclive, [twitter.com profile] faeapoclive, and [tumblr.com profile] faeapoclive as the apocalypse unfolds

June 15-21

The Black Suits Are Coming to Get Me

Okay, this is getting pretty disturbing. Yesterday, the expensive-suit people came back – barged in, really – and dug through all of my roommate’s books again, and all of hew new notes. They mostly missed my stuff because I told them – the truth! – that I was working on a paper on monasteries and similar architectural artifacts.
But now I’m reading books in my closet, in the back room of the library, in the crappy cafe nobody uses. And those monks are pretty frighting. Maybe more so than expensive-suit people.



EDITORIAL: The world is suddenly awash in news of “portals” and “strange occurrences.” It’s like every time I open the newspaper, there’s something else that looks like the Weekly World News.
Get it together, people. There’s conflict and chaos in the Middle East. There’s financial troubles everywhere. Our own house is none too clean and we can’t get Congress to agree on mashed potatoes or fries for lunch, much less anything important.
There’s some weird stuff in the air? Get over it. There’s always going to be some weird stuff in the air – especially if you’re sniffing the “weird stuff.” There are a lot more important things to worry about.



JEFFERSON, Texas(AP): In the county seat of Marion County, Texas, all seven hundred three men between the ages of sixteen and forty years old suddenly walked out of town this evening, each of them wearing a glassy smile and appearing to not know where they are.
One man was injured as he walked into oncoming traffic, then further injured as he attempted to get up with a broken leg and continue to walk. No other damage has been reported.



CAIRO, Eqypt: People continue to fall dead near the so-called “portal to the underworld.” This dome-shaped golden light, in the center of Tahrir square, seems to lead to the pyramids. However, any person who steps into the dome has vanished, so the only reports that exist are those from drone-like bomb-sniffing robots.
As days go on, the fatal radius around the dome-portal appears to be growing; at the current rate of growth, it is estimated that within a week, the entire square will be fatal to stand within or even near.
Egyptian authorities could not be reached for comment.



RIGA, Latvia(AP): in the rural areas around Riga, the capital and largest city of Latvia, people report hearing voices coming from the power lines.
Various people – in various areas around the region – report various different types of voice, low, high, loud, very soft, and various phrases, but none of the phrases are in Latvian or, indeed, in any recognized human language. A team of linguists is currently working with the farmers to decipher the words.


Like what you See?
Drop a few coins into the portal!

Or become a Patreon Patron!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/740148.html. You can comment here or there.

Faerie Apocalypse – the apocalypse will be liveblogged

The Apoc

In the end of May, 2011, strange things started happening all over the world. Follow along with [personal profile] faeapoclive, [twitter.com profile] faeapoclive, and [tumblr.com profile] faeapoclive as the apocalypse unfolds

May 18-24

21 may 2014

ATHENS, Greece (AP): A strange cloud of pollution has been obscuring a main boulevard here for two days; traffic has been backed up, and all alternate routes are either clogged or have been closed to allow emergency vehicles to travel through.

The cause? A circle appears to hang in mid-air. The flat shape, approximately eight feet in diameter and about one foot off the road surface, faces at an angle onto the main road. From the side, it is completely invisible.

The circle appears harmless; a stray dog jumped through it in curiosity and was unharmed, but pens and other inanimate objects will hover in mid-air or vanish entirely.

The Grecian authorities say they will keep the road closed until they can determine the origin of the strange circle of air, and whether or not it is harmful to humans or to vehicles.

May 25-31



27 may 2014

EDITORIAL: It has long been known that the peak of the Brocken, near Schierke in Saxony-Anhalt, is the center of many of the worst gatherings of witches and demons throughout the centuries.

Many well-respected organizations have tried, without success, to have human traffic on the mountain banned, as such traffic only provides fuel for those monsters who dwell there.

But still teenaged children will go to the mountain to “party.” Still college-ages students will go up there to indulge in sinful acts.

And now, now the gate to Hell has opened up upon the mountain, and all of our sins will come crashing down on us. Beware, people! Repent! The time of doom is on us soon!

June 1-7

2 jun 2014

PORTLAND, Oregon (AP): A nonprofit origination, Save The Doors, is claiming that all of the “portals” that have opened recently are their responsibilities.

In a rambling ten-page statement, the organization has laid claim to the strange occurrences that have been taking place all over the globe. They say that the so-called “portals” are their doing, the result of a massive “ritual” designed to open the doors between worlds.

“The doors are opening,” they claim, “and they must remain intact so that they may open completely…. Our soldiers will be taking control of ever and every one of the doorways in the coming weeks, to be certain that they open properly.”

Seven governments, including the US, Germany, and Vanuatu have repudiated this organization & their claims.

June 8-14



5 jun 2014

FORT VALLEY, Georgia (AP): A local man has caught the attention of his neighbors – and the internet – by digging a thousand-foot “devil’s trap” on fallow land owned by the county.

The twenty-acre lot behind Glen Carlson’s property was once owned by the Carlson family, before being seized for tax evasion in the seventies. Neighbors say that the Carlsons never stopped using the property – but that until now, their use has been secretive and quiet.

Now, with the carving of a thousand-foot heptagram (seven-sided star) into the sod, Glen Carlson has announced his trespass; in addition to the physical evidence, he has admitted on camera that he created the giant shape “to trap the demons that are coming.”

The Carlson family and the town of Fort Valley remain silent on the subject.

Like what you See?
Drop a few coins into the portal!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/736739.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary of the Last Week-Plus

Last Summary

Giraffe Call Summary

Escape from Rochester Landing Page

The Collar Job: a Table of Contents

Life and the Weather

Recipe Log: Corn Dog Muffins

The Leaves of this TreeBook

Far Weston – Unicorn/Factory
Addergoole/Criminal Minds xover V
So, Who are You? Addergoole Yr27
A Walk (K. Orion Fray Writing Prompts, Lovcraftian Police Procedural ‘verse)
Bug – Blaecleah Addergoole Year 27
Think Before You Deal – Blaecleah Addergoole Year 27
Jumping Rings Chapter One – new serial!
The Collar Job Part XIV
The Collar Job Part XV (Tír na Cali/Leverage fanfiction)

Feedback Wanted

So, You’ve Managed to Survive the Apocalypse… and the immediate post-apoc no-tech horror…
“Where Does Society Begin?” from [personal profile] dialecticdreamer
I Need Some Gods, Please
BIGGEST QUESTION for “Escape from Rochester” (Camp Nano July 14 project)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/732653.html. You can comment here or there.