Tag Archive | summary

Call for Prompts mostly-done summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ), and I’ve gotten a fair bit of writing done.

I’m now waiting for the people who donated to finalize their continuation choices. If you’d like to donate, you can have any prompted story continued at a discounted rate of $1/100 words.

Little Lost Kitty-Girl, Tir na Cali
Not Even a Bullet
Deeper in, a continuation of Down, Down, Down.
No More Waiting, a continuation of Waiting

Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

I’ve started working on the continuation of Spring Break, too, from the Abduction Prompt-Call

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/131399.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts, mid-summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ), and I’ve gotten a fair bit of writing done.

Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

If you’ve left a prompt I haven’t gotten to, I assure you I’ll be writing lots more tomorrow!

We have $30 in tips – we’ve reached the first donation incentive!

I’ll see you in the morning.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/130939.html. You can comment here or there.

Call for Prompts, Middle-summary

My call for prompts is up (and on LJ) and active for another 12 hours and, in that time, I’ve gotten some fun-but-strange writing done:

Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found

Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.

There’s still plenty of time to leave your own prompt, and if you’ve left a prompt I haven’t gotten to, I assure you I’ll be writing lots more tomorrow!

We have $14 in tips – $16 to go to the first donation incentive!

I’ll see you in the morning.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/130398.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary of the last 2 weeks!

…and the stuff I did that WASN’T my call for prompts….

I pondered What Basalt Looks Like
what Ceinwen & Thorburn’s changes are (LJ)for Year Nine
What the Wild Tribes Wear (LJ), for the Planners
(because I won another icon (LJ) from [personal profile] meeks)
and linked some
IRL Planners (LJ)

We discussed Strong Female Characters (LJ) (please weigh in)

I asked for help (LJ) finding a new WYSIWYG HTML Editor

[personal profile] morrigans_eve wrote me a kissing fic! REID/HERMIONE!

I started thinking about house things. (LJ)

Um. I wrote some, too. 🙂

The Purple Bag (LJ) is a Misc-world adventure

Thorburn and Ceinwen (LJ)had it out, a little

Rin & Girey didn’t (LJ) [donor perk]

and Bettie got ready to. (LJ)

I rebooted (LJ) an old setting
And another one (LJ)

And, as always, I linked some art (LJ) and some more (LJ).

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/119825.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary – Call for Prompts round-up!

A week ago, I put out a call for prompts about abduction.

I got a number of prompts, and have written all through the week.

Unsurprisingly, Addergoole got its share:
Three-Way (LJ) – Year 9
June Again (LJ) – from the roleplay Timeline,
an Addergoole student who didn’t want to go home, from sometime in the future of Addergoole

I also wrote:
Scent (LJ), from the Generation Ship,
Two people, both abducting the other,
a warrior, who grows fond of her captor, and
an abduction by air,
a rescue into slavery,
an escape aided all unwitting,
a rescue, too late,
a clever idea gone wrong,
a road trip gone awry,
a captive who didn’t give in to Stockholm,
a captive being rescued,
a captor caught in her own trap,
a crack kidnapping team beating the BAU to the punch,
a puppy rescued from an untenable situation, and a
college boy with ropeburn.

I believe I will stick to a schedule after this: I’ll put out a call the second Saturday after the first Tuesday of every month.

I have two more stories left to write to donations-for-continuations.

Because the money in the jar exceeded $30, I will be posting a poll for which story I should continue into a 1-2K-word story.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/119602.html. You can comment here or there.

Hour… Day 4 of my [call for prompts on] Abduction

The writing has slowed, as paperwork continues to interfere, but still I continue. Since my last report, so many hours ago, I have written:

Two people, both abducting the other,
a warrior, who grows fond of her captor, and a former Addergoole student returning to her old stomping grounds.

The money in the pot has reached $45. If it reached $60, I shall be writing for quite a bit longer.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/117232.html. You can comment here or there.

Hour 11 of my abduction [call for prompts]

My captors continue to pepper me with suggestions, although their feedback on these writings has tapered off. I do hope they like what they are getting.

Since my last report, I have been offered a bad Dr. Who special and some delicious nachos. Also, a marshmallow the size of my cat’s head.

I have written about a clever idea gone wrong, an Addergoole student who didn’t want to go home, a road tripgone awry, a captive who didn’t give in to Stockholm, and a captive being rescued.

The money in the pot has reached $40. Perhaps I will only be writing one fic for each of my captors.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/113837.html. You can comment here or there.

Hour 7 of my [call for prompts on] abduction

The hours tick by on my [call for prompts about] abduction.

My captors have promised rescue when the writing is done, but the prompts keep on coming. I am allowed frequent breaks for sleep and, in one case, a creekwalk, but every pause only lengthens my captivity.

I write for them as they call out suggestions. I have written about a captor caught in her own trap, a crack kidnapping team beating the BAU to the punch, a puppy rescued from an untenable situation, and a college boy with ropeburn. And still I write.

The money in the jar has reached $30, so I will, I’m told, write another story, once my captors have decided on what it will be (what will it be, oh my captors? 2000 words, on your choice of story).

And still I write. After these tasty nachos I have been given

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/113441.html. You can comment here or there.

*falls down and has dreams about writing to prompts*

Sunday, I put out a call for prompts (LJ post) on the theme of Gender, Sexuality, and how they can go funky (short title: Genderfunky Giraffes).

25 short and medium pieces later…

I have only [personal profile] lilfluff‘s second commissioned piece to write.

Monday’s summary is here (or here)

Yesterday’s summary is here (or here)

Switcheroo (LJ), for DaHob‘s prompt

Buuut… (LJ), for kelkyag‘s prompt: “Dealing with the lack of reassurance on the acceptance of a newly asserted gender identity…”

On Top (LJ), for [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s prompt: “Not every pack Alpha has a bitch. Sometimes it is the bitch.”

(LJ, for @skysailor99’s prompt: Make up a gender and have a character’s partner learn to understand it.

ankewehner is doing a flash fiction fishbowl, if you’re still feeling prompty.

And I’ve still got 3 slots left in this prompt-me meme (2 on LJ)

Any piece I’ve written can be sponsored for continuation.

For more information, my Donor landing page is here (and on LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/105351.html. You can comment here or there.

WOW! Or “Day 4 and still writing…”

So. Sunday, I put out a call for prompts (LJ post) on the theme of Gender, Sexuality, and how they can go funky (short title: Genderfunky Giraffes).

21 short and medium pieces later… I still have at least 4 prompts to go. O_O

Yesterday’s summary is here (or here)

In addition, I wrote “Sniffing it Out” (on LJ) to [personal profile] lilfluff‘s commissioned prompt for More Cali Catpeople

(the_vulture, do you want something written?)

and two stories on bi characters LJ) to [personal profile] twisted_times‘s gauntlet-toss.

While I am now closed for free prompts for this call, I am open to continuing any story at my general rate of $5/300 words. 🙂 I hope to finish the remaining prompts today; if you think I missed yours, please feel free to link me to it – the LJ thread got a little insane.

If you are feeling the urge to prompt someone… moonwolf1988 is calling for prompts 😉

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/103521.html. You can comment here or there.