Tag Archive | summary

Summary-to-date of the GenderFunk Giraffe Sale

FIRST: Go check out EllenMillion‘s free abstracts day!

SECOND: Go check out all the awesome (and on LJ) I linked yesterday. (I won’t take it amiss if you save me a buck or two 😉

THIRD: This is a summary of all the microfic & drabbles I’ve written so far (Still have several prompts to go!) for my recent call for prompts on Gender-funk:

New/random settings:
Sugar was a good cat…, from [personal profile] elfling_eryn‘s prompt “A cat that can change your gender…”
In Search of an Heir (LJ Link), to [personal profile] meridian_rose‘s prompt on gender and succession.
Down to the River…, to cluudle‘s prompt “Female unicorn, male virgin.”
It went like this, from the_vulture‘s prompt on a hetero being involved with a gender-fluid individual
Waking Up…, to fayanora “Two people of opposite gender identities living in the same body…”

Tír na Cali:
Royal Reform
[personal profile] lilfluff‘s take off on [personal profile] meridian_rose‘s prompt on gender and succession.
Changing pants, to
[personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt “A female Cali-slave who really wishes…”

Addergoole: 3 Daeva* and a hermaphrodite…
Meckil woke… to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt “Linden: puberty and/or the Change”
Dinnertime, to rix_scaedu‘s prompt “Jamian, his daughter and Melchior?”
Secrets, to ysabetwordsmith‘s prompt on acceptance
Going out, from doni_dyke01 “Transman’s first attempts at… gay dating scene”

Stranded World:
14th Shot, from the_vulture‘s prompt on a hetero being involved with a gender-fluid individual
Spring Equinox, from morrigans_eve‘s prompt on someone with cyclical gender
Meeting the Parents (LJ), to wolfcatt‘s prompt “The members of a M-F-F triad come “out”…
Having Fun, to flutterbychild‘s prompt “I’d love one on being female and heterosexual :3”

Dragons Next Door:
Being Polite, from eseme‘s prompt on the nogender dragons

“Never Married?”, to corona_rift‘s prompt “Anything featuring an aromantic asexual that *doesn’t* involve them realizing they were wrong about their orientation.”

Vas’ World:
Perspective Shift (LJ), to @SharonTheRose’s prompt “a misogynist funds himself in a woman’s body…”

If you want more information about any of these settings, they each have a landing page, indexed here (and on LJ).

As always, you can request a continuation/longer story for any prompt, at the going rate of 80 words/$1. I’m still working on prompts, probably through the end of tomorrow, looking at my list.

Let me tell you a bit about this giraffe. See, we’re in the final stages of buying a house, a real fixer-upper, our first home. The bedroom is the only room we plan to carpet long-term, and I fell in LOVE with this giraffe-print carpet. Lush, beautiful carpet, for a teeny, tiny bedroom. A luxury, yes. But a small one, in a house we will spend the next decade working on.

Incentive goals: for every $50 from $75 ($125, $175, $225, etc) reached, I will write and post publicly another short story as an expansion of one of these drabbles.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/102329.html. You can comment here or there.

Prompt-Me results: Wow. Also, want moar? Giraffe sale.

last Saturday and Sunday for 24 hours, I opened up a line for prompts; ask for anything, and I’ll write 10 minutes or 250 words on it. I got quite a bit of short fiction out of it!

In my Addergoole ‘verse:
Joff Gets a Pony (LJ Link), for @daHob’s prompt of the same title.

Devil Deals (LJ Link) from Rix’s prompt, wanting more of Rozen/Aviv in the post-apoc.

Keys (LJ Link), for jeriendhal‘s prompt “You mean it was supposed to have a key?” (Half of this is Addergoole Year9; the other half is Planners).

Dark Corners (LJ Link), Addergoole Year9, to @shutsumon’s prompt “the things that lurk in dark corners.”

Plans is in Addergoole’s current timeline, to @dahob’s prompt asking how Regine sees her students.

Stranded World got:
Bringing Home the Bacon (LJ Link), for [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s prompt of the same title.

Tir na Cali got a new subsetting:
Frying Pan, Fire (LJ Link), from [personal profile] lilfluff‘s prompt regarding a slave school.
Final Exams (LJ Link), from wyld_dandelyon‘s prompt of the same name.

The rest of Fae Apoc got an early history, apoc and a post-apoc story:
[personal profile] eseme wanted goddesses. She got Coming of Age (LJ Link)

(LJ Link)From [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s prompt: “Can I get a short piece from another perspective of some of the internees/guards in the community featured in Discovery Channel/Invisibles (LJ Link)?

First Planting (LJ Link) came from [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt of the same title

Reiassan got two stories:
Old Friends (LJ Link), From fayanora‘s prompt “An unexpected ‘Hello.'”

Mighty Sword (LJ Link) from the_vulture‘s prompt – “An intelligent and mighty enchanted sword… that’s afraid of the dark.” In an older era of Reiassan.

Facets of Dusk got another story:
Trouble in Doubles (LJ Link), from [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s request for Josie/Facets and [personal profile] elfling_eryn‘s prompt: “There’s only so much trouble you get into in a day…unless, of course, you have a clone or two at hand.”

And, as always, there were a couple things from no known ‘verse at all:
Waiting Vigil (LJ Link), from [personal profile] lilfluff‘s prompt”The beach, overnight in winter.”

Three Inches (DW Link), for @Inventrix’s prompt for a pookah

Want more of something? I’m having a giraffe sale (it’s like a fire sale. Only it’s giraffe.(*); from now ’till this time next week, I’ll continue any written piece at a rate of $4 for 400 words.

(*)You see, there’s this carpet I want for the new house, and it looks like a giraffe pattern.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/80372.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary of the last so often

The Drakeathon E-book, Tales for the Sugar Cat, is now On Smashwords and Available for review on Goodreads!

I challenged you to write to [community profile] dailyprompt. (Post here if you did so and want me to aggregate the responses to that challenge).

[personal profile] meeks did a lot lot lot of awesome art (including more on the Ayla sketch and on Rin’s nose and an icon for meee).

I’ve started three new settings, one of which needs a title, the other one of which doesn’t:
The Foundation/Library:
Ants, Grasshoppers, Magpies
The Cathedral
The Inhospitable Planet:
Moving In
Dancing for Joy
(You’ll see the other one in the next few days, but that one’s Facets of Dusk)

I wrote some on Stranded World:
Stepping Around
Day Job

And on FaeApoc: Invisibles

We put in an offer on a new house, and it was accepted.
My job moved, and it was stressful.
We hiked a lot, and it rocked.

I’m planning on writing for [community profile] kink_bingo, stay tuned for from 5 to 25 pieces of smut.

This piece was weird but fun
This piece was just weird.

I should do these more often

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/50686.html. You can comment here or there.

Stories written from Prompts! A summary

This is a list of stories & poems written form my calls for prompts, and from external prompt sites:

The Green
All Green Dots, a flash fiction from daHob’s prompt
Down by the River, a flash fiction on the dangers of nature.
Relics, a story of Rin & Girey/Reiassan, 1100 words, sponsor for $22 $10 sponsored, $12 to go
Bridged, the “sequel” to Relics, 1100 words, sponsor for $10 if Relics is fully sponsored.

It Always Hurts, 1400 words from the lyrics of “the Holly and the Ivy,” sponsor for $28

Ways and/or Means
Holding the Ways, a microfiction of an unconventional funeral, 350 words. Sponsor for $7
The Old Path, from ellenmillion‘s prompt “the Old Ways” and eseme‘s prompt “…discovering old overgrown [ways].” 4100 words, sponsor for $75
Labyrinth, still in progress, from clare_dragonfly‘s prompt “the path the the labyrinth” & eseme‘s prompt of “bartering.”

Beginning with B
Life Packages, from clare_dragonfly‘s prompt Babies, boxes, breasts, and bombs.
The Trouble With Bongong Island, from Inventrix’s prompt “Bananas, Bifurcation, Belittling Bohemian butterflies.” 2111 words draft gentlemen adventurer tale, sponsor (edited and cleaned) for $45
Keeping the Gods, a story of the fae apoc, from Shutsumon’s prompt “bacchanal, barbarocracy,bathykolpian.” 1500 words of cautionary fantasy, Submitted to Writer’s Digest Shorts Competition
Friday Flash: The Intern, an erotic flash fiction from from eponymousarchon‘s prompt “Bonking! Buggery, Butter, Bananas”

Exotic, Erotic, Exogenetic
Disovery Channel – for friends
Two by Two – a short story of Fae Apoc

Starts with A
AvariceFrom haikujaguar‘s prompt “Avarice. Anemia. And maybe… appetite.” 1038 words, a story of mixed appetites and dovetailing greed. Sponsor for $30
Afghans for Aliens, a flash fiction sci-fi
Arizona, a poem

Point of View, a story of Rin & Girey
Sunday at the GroveFrom clare_dragonfly ‘s prompt, this is a tender story of mourning and passing on. 900 words. Sponsor for $25
Switch, a story of Fae Apoc

Roll Your Own
End of the Line
Tea Time, a story of Rin and Girey
The Farm, a story of unexpected solutions, submitted to Flash Fiction Online

How does Sponsoring work?
For semi-pro rates, stories run a bit more money than poems. This is my prototype sponsoring program. You can:

  • Throw money in the general pool. When there’s enough to sponsor a story, I’ll put it up for a general vote.
  • Micro-fund a specific story: donate any amount of money towards a specific story. I’ll post that it’s $Xx towards being completely funded.
  • Sponsor a whole story. If you sponsor a story, I will immediately post it on my blog for everyone to see, with your name or that of a dedicatee if you wish; plus you get a nonexclusive publication right, so you can post it on your own blog or elsewhere as long as you keep the credits intact. (Some phrasing from YsabetWordsmith’s Poetry Fishbowl).

Carry On Tuesday
Flying – erotic flash fiction
Packed Up, a story of Rin & Girey
Crossing into Lannamer, a story of Rin and Girey
Flattery, an erotic flash fiction set in the fae Apoc universe
Little White Horses, from this & Daughters of Clio, a story of faeapoc

Three-Word Wednesday
The Deep Inks
Boom, Pow
9th Step
Walled Flowers, a story of fae apoc
In the Dirt
Revived, a story of the Stranded World, 2556 words. Sponsor for $50
Not Interfering
Curriculum, fae apoc & Lady Alouetta’s Garden

Seventh Sanctum
Tangled, a story of the Stranded world
Gifted, a Yultide story from the Tir Na Cali universe
Keyed up,, the sequel to Gifted

Daughters of Clio
Skill & Dreams, a story of Reiassan, the Rin & Girey universe
A Myth of Reiassan
Recruiting, a short story possibly in the Stranded ‘verse
Community Lines,a short story of Autumn & her brother Winter
Little White Horses a story of fae apoc

Stories written from Prompts! A summary

This is a list of stories & poems written form my calls for prompts, and from external prompt sites:

The Green
Down by the River, a flash fiction on the dangers of nature.
Relics, a story of Rin & Girey/Reiassan, 1100 words, sponsor for $22 $10 sponsored, $12 to go
Bridged, the “sequel” to Relics, 1100 words, sponsor for $10 if Relics is fully sponsored.
It Always Hurts, 1400 words from the lyrics of “the Holly and the Ivy,” sponsor for $28

Ways and/or Means
Holding the Ways, a microfiction of an unconventional funeral, 350 words. Sponsor for $7
The Old Path, from ellenmillion‘s prompt “the Old Ways” and eseme‘s prompt “…discovering old overgrown [ways].” 4100 words, sponsor for $75
Labyrinth, still in progress, from clare_dragonfly‘s prompt “the path the the labyrinth” & eseme‘s prompt of “bartering.”

Beginning with B
Life Packages, from clare_dragonfly‘s prompt Babies, boxes, breasts, and bombs.
The Trouble With Bongong Island, from Inventrix’s prompt “Bananas, Bifurcation, Belittling Bohemian butterflies.” 2111 words draft gentlemen adventurer tale, sponsor (edited and cleaned) for $45
Keeping the Gods, a story of the fae apoc, from Shutsumon’s prompt “bacchanal, barbarocracy,bathykolpian.” 1500 words of cautionary fantasy, Submitted to Writer’s Digest Shorts Competition
Friday Flash: The Intern, an erotic flash fiction from from eponymousarchon‘s prompt “Bonking! Buggery, Butter, Bananas”

Exotic, Erotic, Exogenetic
Disovery Channel – for friends
Two by Two – a short story of Fae Apoc

Starts with A
AvariceFrom haikujaguar‘s prompt “Avarice. Anemia. And maybe… appetite.” 1038 words, a story of mixed appetites and dovetailing greed. Sponsor for $30
Afghans for Aliens, a flash fiction sci-fi
Arizona, a poem

Point of View, a story of Rin & Girey
Sunday at the GroveFrom clare_dragonfly ‘s prompt, this is a tender story of mourning and passing on. 900 words. Sponsor for $25
Switch, a story of Fae Apoc

Roll Your Own
End of the Line
Tea Time, a story of Rin and Girey
The Farm, a story of unexpected solutions, submitted to Flash Fiction Online

How does Sponsoring work?
For semi-pro rates, stories run a bit more money than poems. This is my prototype sponsoring program. You can:

  • Throw money in the general pool. When there’s enough to sponsor a story, I’ll put it up for a general vote.
  • Micro-fund a specific story: donate any amount of money towards a specific story. I’ll post that it’s $Xx towards being completely funded.
  • Sponsor a whole story. If you sponsor a story, I will immediately post it on my blog for everyone to see, with your name or that of a dedicatee if you wish; plus you get a nonexclusive publication right, so you can post it on your own blog or elsewhere as long as you keep the credits intact. (Some phrasing from YsabetWordsmith’s Poetry Fishbowl).

Carry On Tuesday
Flying – erotic flash fiction
Packed Up, a story of Rin & Girey
Crossing into Lannamer, a story of Rin and Girey
Flattery, an erotic flash fiction set in the fae Apoc universe
Little White Horses, from this & Daughters of Clio, a story of faeapoc

Three-Word Wednesday
The Deep Inks
Boom, Pow
9th Step
Walled Flowers, a story of fae apoc
In the Dirt
Revived, a story of the Stranded World, 2556 words. Sponsor for $50

Seventh Sanctum
Tangled, a story of the Stranded world
Gifted, a Yultide story from the Tir Na Cali universe
Keyed up,, the sequel to Gifted

Daughters of Clio
Skill & Dreams, a story of Reiassan, the Rin & Girey universe
A Myth of Reiassan