Tag Archive | yr15
Dance the Dance
This is to anke‘s prompt here to my February Giraffe Call.
Addergoole, Year 15 – directly after Bully for You.
Addergoole has a landing page here.
“He’s a bully, Kelse. And there’s no reason you should be putting up with bullies again.”
“A bully, what?” Lor looked back at the girl. “Nah, I don’t beat people up. But Kelsey here doesn’t mind bring my food, does he?”
A bully? Really? What were they, in elementary school?
“Cy, you can’t do this. You can’t keep fighting every time anyone is a jerk to me. Remember what happened back in Mayville?”
“You’re not doing your brother any favors, you know, Cy.” Lor leaned back in his chair and grinned. “I mean, who wants to know his little sister had to defend him?”
“I’m two years older than he is!”
“Oh, and that makes it better, hunh? Look, just run along and leave us alone; Kelsey and I are getting along fine.”
“I think there’s something wrong with your hearing, new boy. I said I challenge you.“
“She’s well within her rights.” Suddenly the short guy – Luke, that was his name, security, wasn’t he? And the gym teacher. Lor hadn’t broken any rules; he didn’t, usually. “If the woman is going to challenge you, Lor, you can either accept or decline.”
“So I decline.” He shrugged. “I don’t fight girls.”
“Of course you don’t.” He was beginning to get the feeling the gym teacher didn’t like him. “But what did you say? Oh. You’re not going to do yourself any favors if you’re afraid to fight a girl.”
“Nobody’s going to look at me sideways for that. Look at her. She’s tiny.”
“Of course you could beat her. But if you don’t… well, what’s that look like?”
“Shit, you people really want me to fight a girl, don’t you? Okay, I’ve got this.” Lor stretched. “Where and when, little girl?”
“And don’t forget terms.” Luke was so helpful.
“And, sure, what are your terms?” Lor was amused. “This is a pretty silly dance for me to just knock her to the floor, you know.”
“I know. But this is the way we dance, here in Addergoole.”
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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/668092.html. You can comment here or there.
Bully for You
This is to imaginaryfiend‘s prompt here to my February Giraffe Call.
Addergoole, Year 15
Addergoole has a landing page here.
“I don’t need another school. I’m going to the community college with everyone else.”
Thus had started an argument with Lor’s parents that had lasted the entire school year, past graduation, over the summer, and right up until the moment the short guy with the amazingly strong grip had picked Lor up and dragged him away from his friend Joe’s parents’ house and to the underground bunker that was supposed to be a “finishing” school. Like Lor needed finishing. He was plenty done already.
Then he’d actually gotten to the school, and Lor had changed his mind. The classes were hard, sure, but Lor had never minded a little challenge. And his classmates were no challenge it all.
It took him four days to get little Andreas – technically a year above Lor, but shorter and younger than him; everyone here was shorter and younger than Lor, it was awesome – to get Andreas doing his math and science homework, and two more days to get cute Candy doing his English homework and a few things on the side. Somewhere in there, people showed off some tentacles and horns, but Lor shrugged it off. Apply a little pressure and, elf or fairy or human, everyone bent.
Up until this point, he’d mostly been picking on “upperclassmen,” just for the humor value. There was Pano, of course, who he’d managed to get to do his homework, but that was it. It took him halfway through the second week of school to get another kid in his year, skinny guy named Kelsey, to start hauling his lunch for him. It was a pretty sweet deal, and he was beginning to thing his dad was right, and a finishing school was totally the way to do.
And everything was sweet until a skinny girl showed up at his lunch table with her hands on her hips. “That,” she declared, “is my brother.“
“And? S’my bitch now.”
“And I’m not okay with that.”
“Cytherea, Cy, it’s okay.” Kelsey squirmed in his chair; Lor’s smile just got bigger.
“Listen to your brother, Cy.”
“No. Lor, I challenge you.”
Next: Dance the Dance
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/663159.html. You can comment here or there.