

Beyond One Day

There’s a lot more novella to complete!

After looking at the poll, I am going to Live-Write:

  • Saturdays from 1-3 Eastern Time
  • Alternate Thursdays (not the 14th, yes the 21st) from 7:15 – 9:15 Eastern Time.

This covers one of the times available for all 4 people who have voted in the poll.

If you have not voted and think you may show up, please do vote.  Even if your times available are not within my listed times, I will do my best to do at least one session where you can attend.

Live-Writing will continue on the novella, working title “Last Tube to Clarkesville.”

What IS Live-Writing Day?

Well, it’s funny you should ask…

Inspired by – – who wrote several novels in live-writing events – and by Ysabet Wordsmith’s Fishbowl (which also inspired my Giraffe Calls…), livewriting is writing directly in front of your audience, where they can see (and comment on, and put input in on) your every word as written.

Here’s one more link which shows live-writing with an even more intense focus on the audience.

As for me? I open up a document and take your prompts! In previous years, I’ve done it as a series of short stories, working on longer projects when the prompts run dry, aiming for 10,000 words or more during a 14-hour day (with breaks)

The Concept

In 2020, I’m going to focus one self-indulgent story, outlined beforehand to a certain degree but with reader participation throughout: An abduction/rescue/something similar romance adventure, following two protagonists (female captor, male captive (or what have you)) through a short trip or challenge of some sort.


Leading up to the Day Of, there will be several polls in which you can determine the shape of the story.

Link to Poll Two – what genre should this story be set in?

Link to Poll Three – How does our lady gain possession of our guy? Who are they travelling with, and why?

Who Can Participate?

Everyone!  It’s free!  Just check out and the Google Drive folder here.

How can I Participate?

Vote in the polls!

Show up and comment on the document or in the Twitch Stream.

(tell everyone you know)

Put in ideas when I ask for them as Live-Writing Day goes on – these will be less formal than the polls and more like “So! What should I name this guy with the knife?” or “Hey! Should they run or negotiate?”


I thought you’d never ask!

Any money raised in this event will go towards editing, layout, and cover art for this novella to be released as a proper e-book.

Anyone who donates $2 or more will receive a free copy of this e-book. I’m going to figure out if I can do personalized, signed e-books for those people, but that’s a new idea and I’m still working on it.

Patreon Hat   

Previous Years

In 2019, I did a prompt call for Live-Writing Day.  You can read the Google Doc here.

In 2017, I did a prompt call and worked on a novel (which is stalled at the moment).  You can read the Google Doc of the prompt call here.